Page 89 of Brutally His (Gilded Decadence)
“We sure hope so, doll,” the big one on the left with greasy red curls sticking out from the beanie said. “You see, we were sent to pick up a package.”
“A package,” I repeated, taking another step back, trying to use my peripheral vision to see if I had anything that could be used as a weapon.
There was an old aluminum bat lying against the bathroom wall. I remembered Sabrina brought it over for something. I thought there was a mouse or a cockroach big enough to be a mouse or something that we’d had to battle.
I moved a little to the left, trying to get a little closer to it.
“Yeah, someone sent us to pick up a secretary, a little girl who’s been unable to mind her own business and keep her hands off other people’s property. Does that sound familiar to you?” The big red-headed guy said again, taking a large step toward me.
“Sorry to say, but no, it doesn’t. I’m not a secretary. I’m a paralegal. And I don’t really know my neighbors. I prefer to keep my nose out of other people’s business. You understand.”
I offered a shy smile, hoping it came off as friendly and they would think they had the wrong person. I tightened my core, trying to stop the shaking that was starting to run through my limbs.
“What’s the difference between a paralegal and a secretary?” the smaller man on the right with inky black hair and dark, menacing eyebrows asked.
“Secretaries make more money and do less work,” I said, barely keeping the shaking from my voice.
“Yeah, that sounds about right,” he snorted.
“Sure wish I could help you, fellas,” I said as I shrugged, moving just a little closer to the bat. It was almost within reach. Just another half step or two, and I would be able to grab it. This apartment had never felt so big.
“Yeah, see, here’s the thing: I don’t think it matters what your job title is because we were given a picture of the package that we were supposed to pick up.”
The big guy pulled his cell phone from his back pocket and turned the screen, showing a picture from the jail cell last night. It was of me, and my arms and legs were wrapped around Harrison. My face was twisted in bliss with my eyes closed, but it was clear enough and easy to tell who the girl in the photo was.
“And you see, I’m pretty sure you’re the blonde package that we’re supposed to be delivering to our boss.”
“I’m afraid you guys have made a mistake,” I said, taking another step toward the bat. “There has to be some kind of mistake.”
“See, I don’t think there is a mistake.” The big guy took another step toward me. I threw my bag at him, grabbed the aluminum bat, and swung with all my might, hitting him in the ribs.
He doubled over, and I lifted the bat again, high above my head, and swung it down like an axe, hitting him in the back. He made a pained yelping sound before he landed on the floor with a solid thunk.
The little guy came at me next.
“That was almost impressive,” he said with a laugh. “Too bad that’s the last brave thing you’re ever going to do, kitten.”
“Oh, I don’t know about that,” I said. “I’m not the rich bitches you’re used to kidnapping.”
I took another swing with all my might but the man dodged back, much quicker than his larger counterpart, and then grabbed the bat and yanked it from my hands hard enough that I had to catch myself before I landed on the floor.
“See now, that was just rude,” he said before kicking out and hitting me behind the knee, making me fall to the floor on my knees.
The next kick pushed me flat on my stomach, and he pressed his boot in the middle of my back.
“Now, here’s what’s going to happen. You’re going to be a good girl for us. We are going to stand up, all of us. We’re going to walk downstairs calmly, and you’re going to get in the car that’s waiting for us. You’re not going to say a word. You’re not going to say a thing to anybody cuz, let’s be honest, even if you did, what the fuck is anybody in this neighborhood going to do for someone they don’t know.”
“Please don’t,” I said. “I can get you whatever you want, like, I have money.”
I tried not to cry, but tears were burning behind my eyes, and my hands were shaking. Even my knees felt like they were going to collapse under me at any moment.
The big guy got back on his knees and then finally stood up, still breathing heavily, rubbing the spot on his back where I’d managed to hit him with the bat. A small point of pride grew in my gut. At least I’d fought back.