Page 67 of Lich's Desire
“I’m glad you do. It’ll make killing you a whole lot more satisfying.”
He shoots up, pointing an accusatory finger. “You’ll do no such thing! Surrender now, and I will ensure you a painless trial.”
I can’t help but laugh at his empty threat, watching his already hopeless eyes drain.
“Do you really think that’s going to work on me? Get on your feet!”
Slowly but hesitantly, he rises, revealing his muscular frame. His wings spread out magnificently.
“I should have killed you where you stood that day,” he growls.
“Not slaying me was your first mistake. Do you want to know your second?”
He bares his teeth.
“I’ll tell you, anyway. Do you remember Hanna?”
The anger on his face becomes replaced by a momentary shock.
“So it was you who helped her escape my clutches that day?” he exclaims. “I should have known a demon was behind this!”
“Actually, she got away from you on her own. It seems you trained her a bit too well, that was your second mistake. I only got her out of the city so that we could plot our revenge on you.”
I gesture behind me.
“She’s waiting for me on the lower level as we speak.”
“Demon bastard! I’ll make you watch while I have my way with her.”
“Bring it then.”
The xaphan lunges forward, his muscular frame flying toward me. My shadow powers kick in instinctively, allowing me to sidestep and grab him mid-air.
I slam him into the wall, leaving a xaphan-shaped hole in its place. He unleashes a forceful kick to my gut, knocking the wind out of me.
He gives me no time to recover. In the blink of an eye, he’s on top of me and raining down blow after blow. Using my powers, I conjure a brief moment of immeasurable strength to throw him off of me.
If I continue conjuring all this power, I’ll pass out. I shake it off and kick him to the ground.
I drag him to the closet while he's dizzy, positioning his head in the doorframe. I smash his head using the doors for a few hits before he kicks my legs, knocking me to the ground.
We both fight to be on top, absorbing each other’s hard blows. He hits me on the side of the head, taking the advantage to get on top.
My blurred vision shows only a faded fist coming my way. I can’t see clearly but I have to fight back. I grab the wrist, pulling his arm down into the grip of mine.
His other arm tries to dish out punches but too far from anywhere that hurts. I yank his arm behind his back, breaking it instantly and pushing him off of me.
I taste blood in my mouth again but this time, it’s real. I clamber to my feet, hearing Zathex scream as he squirms on the floor, clutching his broken arm.
Standing over him, I bring down a heavy boot onto his neck, silencing the xaphan and ending his life once and for all.
His body lies limp, a threat no more to Hanna and her father. Justice has been served.
I fall to my knees and close his lifeless eyes, thanking the bastard for a good fight.
“I hope you rot in the afterlife.”
My head whips around as I hear an exclamation from downstairs. Whether Hanna has found her father or is being rushed by guards, I do not know.