Page 66 of Lich's Desire
I’m more than sure Zathex is a proficient fighter. I’ll make sure he can’t get to these equalizers.
As I leave the armory, I lock the door. Using my shadow powers to my advantage, I disintegrate the handle to prevent access, my abilities masking the sound of the breakage.
I find more uninteresting rooms in the moonlit hallway except for one locked door. I use my powers to break the lock off, opening the threshold to what seems to be Zathex’s office.
Bookshelves press against each inch of the wall, not a single centimeter of space in between them. Each shelf is filled to the brim with his labeled documents.
I run my eyes along each one, seeing the labels are filed under names, presumably his contacts and subjects. It doesn’t take me long to find the file marked ‘Hanna.’
What I find sickens me to my core. I already knew of his plans to sell her, but in her file I read a document of his writing, seemingly deciding upon a price he’d be happy with. I also find names of interested buyers, their letters dating back months.
He must have been plotting to sell her for a while if he had a list of buyers ready… I can’t believe the bastard thought this far ahead if he didn’t get what he wanted.
I rifle through some more of his files, finding out he’s already sold off a few poor souls.
To think he was about to inflict the same fate on Hanna on the day she met me…
I toss the flames atop a burning candle, watching as they succumb to the flames.
How can this xaphan and his kind parade themselves to be the saviors of society, yet commit such atrocities without blinking an eye? I know Zathex can’t be the only one doing this.
But he’s the xaphan I’ve come for. I will rid New Solas of his filth, at least that’ll be one less stain on society.
I look down the final hallway, my eyes locked on the door straight ahead. With hearing amplified by my abilities, I pick up on soft, muffled breathing.
There he is. The best for last.
The closer I draw to Zathex’s master bedroom, the quicker my heart beats. My vision becomes clearer than ever, the threshold in front of me lit as if in broad daylight.
I smell his lingering death, the air rich with blood and rust. I can taste the blood in my mouth. Each of my senses is ablaze like they’ve never been before.
The door opens gently. I step into the dark room, spotting the shape of a xaphan asleep under the heavy blanket.
I can’t help but admire his sleeping quarters. The bastard certainly has taste, and the finances to fund them.
Silk adorns everything in the room from the bed sheets to the curtains. A wide open space sits between the bed and where I stand. A magnificent closet looms in the corner, beside a doorway which I presume leads to an en-suite bathroom.
I return my attention to Zathex. The perfect opportunity to end him has presented itself on a glittering platter. I could finish him once and for all without the need for a fight.
But I hesitate to do so. It doesn’t sit right with me that a scumbag like him should meet a quick and painless end. He must suffer in agony for everything he’s done.
Besides, I am no dishonorable demon. I will wake the bastard and give him a fair fight.
“Knock, knock,” I call out, banging obnoxiously on the wall.
“What the – Who’s there?” his tired voice calls out, layered with fear and confusion.
I let him light up the bedside candle on his nightstand, his eyes widening with horror as they come to rest on me.
“Sleep well?” I ask mockingly. “I hope I didn’t disturb you.”
“Who the hell are you? What are you doing in my home?!”
“You really don’t recognize me, do you? Can’t say I’m surprised, you’ve taken away so many things from so countless people.”
I step closer, bringing my face into the light. Realization dawns on the xaphan, his jaw dropping as he sees the demon from his past has returned.
“You!” he exclaims. “I know you!”