Page 79 of Saved By Her Alpha Wolves
If I didn’t do something now, Brent would take what he wanted, and I wasn’t sure I could come back from that. I reached out, grasped the leg of the small chair, and swung it in Brent’s direction. He cursed when it smacked his head, causing him to stumble sideways. Blood tricked down his face.
The look of pure, undiluted rage in his eyes triggered my deep-seated trauma. My limbs froze. Brent was going to kill me. I could feel it in my bones. All rational thought had left the building. It didn’t matter that money had exchanged hands; Brent no longer cared. He just wanted to make me pay for hurting him.
Just as he straightened, I felt a sharp pulling sensation in my chest.
Eva! Where are you?
The connection between me and the guys flared to life, dazzling and pure. I was no longer alone.
Silas! Help me!
Brent stepped toward me, licking his lips. “You’re going to pay for that, you fucking cunt!”
Basement, a side room, he’s going to kill me!
Nearly there, sugar!
We’re coming, baby, hang on!
A pause and then a voice I hadn’t expected to hear again,
We got you, sweetheart!
Cole was alive! My heart exploded with joy just as Brent punched me in the face a second time. I went down hard, the back of my head hitting the concrete floor as Brent’s boot connected with my ribs.
The pain was like nothing on earth. I was dimly aware of someone screaming, but the more he kicked and punched me, the more the pain obliterated my senses. I curled up into a ball, trying to protect myself from Brent’s rage. The light dimmed as my mind switched off. The only thing I knew was pain.
I wasn’t sure how much more of this I could take. Tears dripped on to the cement floor as I imagined my mates finding me broken, dead. The thought of their anguish forced me to grit my teeth and shuffle away from Brent’s vicious fists and kicks. I tried to crawl under the cot and he cursed.
Just as he reached out to grab my ankle, the door burst open and three homicidal males stormed in.
My wolf roared in my head when we saw the state of Eva. She lay on the filthy floor, curled up in a fetal position, trying to protect her face and ribs from the blows raining down on her. Blood streaked her blond hair, her beautiful face bruised and swollen.
The piece of shit beating up our mate was so busy using his fists that it took a moment for him to realize he had company. The minute he saw us, all color leeched from his face.
Tanner didn’t give him an opportunity to speak. He just took him down without a word. His fingernails extended into claws and sank into Brent’s fleshy neck, pinning the smaller man to the floor. He wasn’t dead yet, but he soon would be.
“Is this Brent?” he asked Eva.
“Yes,” she said, before her eyes closed.
“Cole, you and Silas take our mate and get her out of here. I’ll clean up the mess in here.” He wasn’t talking about the bloodstains on the floor.
I picked up Eva as carefully as I could. She whimpered in pain from at least one broken rib. She would heal, but right now, I needed to get her away from this place.
We’d killed all the guards we could find, but Carlos wasn’t here, and that meant loose ends. None of the shifter girls were here, either. Rufus had questioned a guard before killing him. He said four girls were at the fight ring and the others moved somewhere else, but he didn’t know where.
We hoped one of them was Lily, but my priority was Eva. Rufus and the other alpha could deal with the fight ring.
Silas went first as I carried Eva upstairs. Her eyes stayed shut, so she didn’t see the mutilated bodies strewn everywhere. The only reason I knew she was OK was because I could feel the bond tether between us.
Once outside, we moved as quickly as possible to the trees, where an SUV was waiting. From there, Silas drove us to the Lone Pine pack lands so Eva could see a healer.
Eva’s eyes flickered open as I laid her on the bed in one of Cilla’s guest bedrooms.
“Where am I?” she asked in a raspy voice so faint I could barely hear her, even with my wolf hearing.