Page 78 of Saved By Her Alpha Wolves
Carlos’s house was an ode to bad taste and too much money. I had no issue with the rustic aesthetic, but fuck me, the prick’s interior designer wanted shooting. Scores of animal heads stared down at me from the walls. It was creepy as fuck.
The closer we got to the lower levels, the more I smelled blood and bodily secretions. Carlos had obviously got careless about his security. For a man with a lot to lose, he didn’t have that many guards on duty.
We soon dealt with the guards we came across. A maid made the mistake of walking through a door at the wrong time. One look at us, a mix of wolves and humans, and she ran for her life.
While the temptation to treat her as prey was strong, nobody chased her. She wasn’t the target.
Was Eva here? I reached out in my mind, testing the connection to see if she answered. At first, there was just an empty void of nothingness, then as I stepped into a stairwell, I felt it.
A brief flare.
From the way Tanner and Cole stumbled to a halt, they felt her, too.
Eva! Where are you?
Silas! Help me!
An overwhelming sense of terror swept over me, but it wasn’t my emotion, it was hers.
She was in trouble.
She needed us.
Brent dragged me out of the concrete room, wrenching my shoulder. I had no idea where he was taking me, but if it was outside, I intended to fight back. Being shot in the back was better than whatever sick things he had planned for me.
If there was one thing I’d learned since I got away from him the first time, it was that I deserved better than this.
“You should have stuck with me, you stupid cunt,” he muttered. “After everything I did for you. I kept you clothed, fed, safe.”
He was fucking delusional. “You beat me every fucking day!”
“You deserved it. Discipline was the only way to make you behave.”
He pulled me down a long corridor, illuminated by harsh spotlights. A guard stepped out of a side room, but he nodded at Brent and ignored me. To the men in this place, I was invisible. Just a thing they could play with or use for their own sick pleasure.
It made me nauseous. How many other women and girls had passed through here, on their way to who knew what horrors? It didn’t surprise me that Brent was a part of it. I always knew there was something wrong with him, something broken.
He had no conscience or moral code. As a serving police officer, he’d sworn an oath ‘to protect and serve’, but it clearly meant nothing to him. Brent’s badge was a means to an end, a veneer of respectability, and a tool he used to get away with crimes any normal citizen would have served prison time for.
All I could do was pray he got what was coming to him.
“You’re a monster!” I screamed as he kicked open a door and shoved me into a small room. He just laughed.
My eyes picked out a chair and small cot with a rumpled sheet thrown over it. The room stank of despair and fear. I had a feeling other girls had suffered in here, and now it was my turn.
Brent shoved the door shut with his boot and stood facing me.
“You’ll have a new owner by tomorrow. Someone who likes his toys to be submissive. I suggest you get some practice in, so on your fucking knees, bitch.”
“Fuck you!”
His fist moved so fast I didn’t have time to dodge. Pain exploded in my skull and I fell sideways. From the cracking sound when his fist connected with my face, he’d broken something. I could barely think through the cacophony of pain, let alone scream.
I desperately tried to string a thought together. Get it together, Eva!