Page 9 of Harman
He’d not written any self-help books before, and that had been why he’d been excited about the baby needs book. Actually, his was more like an awareness of things that were going on. But now, the entire book, a murder mystery, was completely written in his mind and he needed only to put it to paper. Putting his hands on the keyboard, he started writing. Christ, he had never felt this good about a book he was writing in a very long time.
He finally realized that he was hungry and leaned back in his office chair. He was stiff and thirsty, but he didn’t have anything to drink near him. When he looked across the desk, he found Katie curled up in the chair and sleeping. That was also when he realized that it was dark out. Looking at the time on his computer, he was surprised to see that he’d been sitting here writing for nearly nine hours.
Picking up Katie, he took her to the stairs and carried her up to the master bedroom where she’d been staying since getting out of the hospital. Lying her on the bed, he was surprised again when she told him to sleep with her. Stripping down to his boxers, he got into the bed with her, and she wrapped herself around him.
When he woke up, the room was bright, with light coming from the windows, and Katie was still sleeping. Rolling her over so that he could get up to use the bathroom, she asked him where he was going.
“Bathroom. You need anything?” She said no and rolled over, and went back to sleep. He hurried through doing his business and climbed back into bed with her. “I love you, Katie.”
“And I love you. I need you, Harman. Badly. Do you want me? Or do I need to give myself relief again while in the shower?” He lifted his head up and looked at her. “It’s not really as satisfying as I thought it would be.”
“Christ, I want you too. I’ve been, you’re right, it isn’t nearly as satisfactory as having you. You’re hot, and I can smell you, your arousal. I need to taste you, now, I need to taste all of you. Thank you so much for giving me something that—I’m going to enjoy this so much, love.”
He began to move down her body, licking and nipping at her as he went. By the time he had settled himself between her legs, she was wild with a need of her own. He could feel it, smell it from her. Being able to enjoy her because he was able to smell and taste her was the greatest gift that anyone had ever given him before.
When she leaned up on her elbows and he sat on his feet. His cock was hard and sticking straight out from his groin. Letting her look at him, stare at him, he felt his cock stretch even more, painfully more.
As she watched him, Harman wrapped his hand around his shaft and pumped his hand up and down. A drop of cum seeped from the tip. He watched as she licked her lips. It was perhaps the most erotic thing he’d ever seen a woman do. And she was all his. Watching her carefully, he told her what he wanted. But she said that she wanted him in her mouth.
“Christ, that sounds so wonderful. But no. Not yet. I would like nothing better than to have you wrap your mouth around me, but I want to taste you more. If you touch me, I swear to you that I’m going to come all over you, and that will be the end of our playing around.” Harman promised her once again that she could have his body to do with whatever she wanted.
Blowing his breath over her curls, he was startled by the gush of cream that came from her body. Watching her clit swell had him wanting to pull it into his mouth to get whatever she was giving him. Harman needed to taste her as if it would cure him from certain death.
“Oh, sweetheart, you’re wet, so wet I can see the dampness on your curls.” He let go of his cock and touched her pussy. As much as he wanted to roll his eyes in the back of his head, he needed to watch everything about her, see her at her best.
His finger moved slowly along her nether lips by their own accord. Up and down like he had his cock to keep from leaping at her and taking her right then. Her body responded, and he saw her pussy weep more. He hadn’t touched her yet, not touched her where she needed, where she begged him to touch her. When his finger slowly entered her heat, she opened her legs wider and raised her hips up to meet him. It was as if she was dancing—no, riding his fingers like she had begged him to ride her.
“Please, Harman. I want you. I—there’s a need, something—I don’t—I’m begging you to take me. You have to fill me, for me, please, fill me so that I don’t die right here and now.” Her hips moved up and down with his finger, and when he inserted another into her, she nearly came up off the bed. Whimper now, she moved faster with his fingers.
“I need to make you ready for me, love. You’re too tight to take me inside of you yet. That’s what you want, me to fill you with my cock, isn’t it?” He was moving faster now; his body was on fire. He wanted to see her face when she came and it wasn’t coming fast enough as far as he was concerned.
“Yes, oh yes, please.” He felt rather than saw her move, her body straining to get to completion. While he needed to fill her with his cock, he needed to watch her when she came was even more desperate for him. When he felt her breaths coming in short gasps, she started to close her legs, but he held them open with his hands. She was panting now, her need making him ache to have her release.
With his fingers, he opened her lips and ran his tongue inside her, lapping at her, tasting her. When his mouth closed over her clit and suckled into his mouth, she screamed out her climax, but he didn’t stop. While his fingers fucked her, his mouth teased and nipped at her until she came again and again. It was more than he could have hoped for in making love with his mate for the first time. More than that, he was sure anyone could have hoped for.
“Please, Harman, please. I want you. I want to suck your cock. Now. I want you to come in my mouth.” As she reached for him, pulling away from his tongue, Katie pushed him back against the footboard. Helping her as much as he could without hurting either one of them, Katie leaned forward and stroked the length of him with just the tips of her fingers. His hiss made her seem bolder as she played with him.
“Take me, love. Take me in your mouth. I want to fuck your hot mouth and shoot cum deep into your throat.” He was nearly sick with the need for her to take him. When she leaned over him, kissing the tip of his cock, Harman’s eyes did roll to the back of his head, and he nearly fainted.
Katie swiped her tongue across the tip of the large deep purple head, taking the cream from his cock into her mouth. He hissed again. Bolder than she had ever been in her life, she wrapped her lips around him and licked again.
She loved the way he responded. He pumped into her. She didn’t know what she was doing, but taking her cues from him and his body, she licked and nipped every inch of him, up one side of him, then down the other. When she felt his hand touch the back of her head, she knew that he was guiding her, showing her what he needed. Soon he was pumping into her hard, his cock bumping the back of her throat again and again.
“I’m going to come Katie. Fuck, I’m coming!” Seconds later, she felt the first hot explosion hitting the back of her throat. He pumped harder into her, pulsing into her over and over. She swallowed him, his cum. Loving the salty taste that she knew was unique to him. He lifted her up and turned her over onto her hands and knees. She was ready, she thought, so ready for his cock to be deep inside of her. Moaning, she moved back against him.
Tensing up, she closed her eyes. Realizing that something was different, that he’d left her at some point, she turned and looked at Harman. He talking to her, telling her that she couldn’t tense up. As he reached up beneath her, he cupped her breast in his hand and fondled her nipple softly while teasing her pussy with his cock.
“I can’t believe how much I love you right now.” She asked him what he meant, and he smiled at her. “I know that it’s corny, but I think that I’ve been waiting for you my entire life. And now that you’re here, I’m going to tell you just how much you have given me hope and love daily.”
“Oh, Harman, I love you so much. Please. Will you make love to me?” Harman rolled her to her back and looked down at her. She knew what she looked like but didn’t see anything in his face that said he was sick and tired of her. Or that he didn’t want to make love to her.
Sliding up her body, he kissed her naval, her breast. Counting out each of her ribs, he nipped at them as well. It was slightly painful, the bites, but almost as soon as he ran his tongue over the little wounds, the pain was gone, and a feeling of being loved and cherished immediately followed. She didn’t know that a person could cause pain in one breath and then claim that they’re in love the next.
Harman played with her shoulder and bit into her earlobe. When he moved around her chin, he made a path that led him to her throat on her other side. The pain was a bit more intense as he’d bitten her just under her ear. However, she knew that he’d never allow anything to harm her so long as she was in his arms. Katie thought there was no other place she wanted to be but where she was right now.
Harman slid his body up hers. Taking her mouth in an almost savage way, she turned his hunger with a bit of her own. She wanted him right now, and when she felt his cock at her entrance, it was all she could do not to beg him to take her.