Page 10 of Harman
“Open for me, love.” She did just that, wiggling her legs apart and then putting one leg on the other side of him. His eyes were closed when she looked up at him, and it made her smile. As soon as his cock was deep inside of her, her whole body moaned. Accepting him into her was like having her life complete. That, like him, she’d been waiting for Harman since she’d taken her first breath.
His warm hand slid down her body to her ass. Cupping it in his hand, Katie felt the connection to him better. As he moved inside of her, slowly, like he had found a place that he loved and he was moving in. As her body warmed up to his, letting herself stretch and hold him, Katie came hard. Just—she couldn’t believe how easily she came and wanted so much more.
Wrapping her legs around his hips, she was happy when she figured out that she could lock her ankles around him tightly. Looking down to see where their bodies connected, Katie felt her mouth water, her pussy heating up when she could see his cock sliding into a very intimate part of her. It had her coming again, a short release that she knew was nothing compared to when they both came together.
With her hands held above her head while he made love to her, all she had to show him was with her hips that she needed more. Riding him, it was difficult to maintain a slow rhythm when he decided to go faster inside of her. Pulling her hand free, she reached up and dug her fingers into his hair and yanked as hard as she could.
“Fuck me.” His eyes were glazed over, his face tight. She had to tell him to take her three times before it got through to him. “Yes, that’s it. Fuck me, Harman.”
The bed moved across the room. The pictures on the walls, mostly on the side they were pushing the bed to, shook and banged in rhyme with his strokes. Suddenly, he stiffened, and before she could figure out what was going on, Harman threw back his head and howled.
The climax took her. Her body stiffened like Harman’s had, but it also felt like she was being turned inside out, over again. Grabbing for something to hold onto before she flew apart in micro pieces, her hands wrapped around Harman’s biceps and screamed again. Christ, she thought, this was the most powerful death she thought had ever been experienced.
Harman dropped atop her, and she didn’t mind. After a few minutes of his hot breath making her nipple pucker and move, he rolled to his back, taking her with him. Glad that one of them had the strength because she certainly didn’t, Harman covered the two of them up and kissed her on the mouth before pulling her into his arms.
“I love you and enjoyed that immensely. However, we can’t do that again. I don’t believe that either me or my wolf will survive. Now, be a good girl and go to sleep so that when we wake up, I’m going to show you some tricks of my own.” While she didn’t know what he meant, she nodded and said she loved him as well. “I love you with all that I am, Katie Griffin.”
She loved the sound of that but was too tired to try and figure out what tricks he’d said she’d done. Tomorrow, she told herself. She’ll figure it out tomorrow.
Katie was in the shower when she remembered that she had an appointment today. Being the attorney for the family was proving to be a lot more than she’d thought it would be. Not that she didn’t enjoy it. She was. Being busy all the time didn’t allow her to think about anything but the job. For which she was thankful for. When her office phone rang, she answered it without hesitation.
“Hello, Katie, my dear. I was wondering when I could set up a time to speak to you about a few matters. I promise that I’m not going to badger nor beg you to come back to work for me. You’ve made the right decision, and I couldn’t be happier for you and your new husband. How is Harman anyway? Happy as a lark, I’m betting.” She told Jimmy Barnhart, senior, that they were very happy. “I knew there was someone out there for you. And you couldn’t have gotten a better one than Harman.”
“Thank you, sir. What time would you like to meet up? I have my afternoon free if that’s a good time for you today.” She heard him flipping through his calendar, which was forever on his desk. “Like I said, I’ll be at a meeting until eleven, but you know that can run over quickly. But I’m popping out to get lunch around twelve-thirty. How about we meet at the little corner restaurant then?”
“Perfect. I’ll see you then. Also, bring something for you to write on. I have a few things that I’d like to get settled before we leave. Mostly it has to do with the estate that we have.” She asked him if he had a personal attorney for that, as she was better at business law than personal. “Yes, he’s fixed up things for us. Mostly the way that you’ve written out for me. All the list has been done, too. Thank you for that.”
“My pleasure. I’ll see you then.” She put the phone in the cradle and decided that she loved having a landline. It certainly did make it easier for her to sit still while working. As she was getting ready for her first appointment, Edwin knocked on her door. He asked if she was busy. “No, not at all. I have an appointment later, but I’m all right now.”
She also told him about the meeting with Jimmy Barnhart, senior. She’d not realized that the Barnharts were good friends of the Griffin family and was happy that Edwin was all right with her leaving the office to take the meeting.
“We hired you, love, we don’t own you. You can come and go as you please. I hope you know that.” She said that she did. He was quiet for a minute or two after she handed him a bottle of water when she got up to get herself one. “I know that Jimmy wants now. It might be better if I go with you. Nothing bad, but you’re going to want to talk to me about it as well, so I’ll go with you.”
“What’s it about?” Edwin told her, including that she was going to inherit the Barnhart estate. “I knew he was going to do that. Rain explained it to me the other day. She also told me that the older couple was going to die. You have no idea how much it pains me to tell them that I’ll see them when they return.”
“I would imagine that it would. I know it has me as well. They’re going to sell you the firm and their name so that you can get established as an attorney. I think from all aspects, it’s the best thing that could happen to you. For us as well. It would be Griffin and Barnhart until such time as you feel it could just be your name.” She asked him how much he’d sell it for. “That I can’t see. The magic is picky at times. But we’ll purchase it with company money no matter what it is. Also, I think that you should have a couple of people working for you. You will burn yourself out if you try and do everything on your own.”
“I know that I would.” Edwin laughed, and she joined him. When he stood to leave, she asked him again if he was going to do with her. And when he said yes, she couldn’t have been happier. “He was going to talk to me about some of the personal matters that will be left for me when they get to their home. It breaks my heart to know that they’ll never make it.”
Edwin joined her when it was obvious that neither one of them could believe that they would be gone by this time tomorrow. Picking up her box of tissues, she handed the box to Edwin, and she took it back when he blew his nose. After that, he left her, telling her that he’d see her in a little while.
Her client showed up forty-five minutes late. Then he acted like he was doing her a great favor by showing up at all. Tossing a sheath of papers toward her, she didn’t even bother trying to stop it as it slid right off the other side of her. She did stare at the man like she dared him to tell her to get it.
“It’s not going to do you any good if you don’t know what it is that I’m having you do.” The sneer is what got her. “How about you pick that up like a good little girl and I won’t have to make a few phone calls to your boss on how you’re treating me.”
“How about you get your slick ass out of my office before I call my boss? And you certainly don’t want me to have to do that.” She did reach out to Edwin and told him not to leave yet, as she may have a problem. He told her that he was on his way back now. “You can’t just expect me to drop everything after being so late, now can you? I actually don’t care what your answer is. I’m not going to represent you on any level.”
“You have to take me. I was told that you’re new to this area and taking on my case—winning it too would be enough to have people clamoring to have you working for them.” Katie told the man that she didn’t need his kind of business. “How do you know? I might be the richest man around and you’re turning down a good opportunity by telling me to leave. I’m not leaving in the event that you were being serious.”
“She was being serious, David. And as for you being rich, we both know that’s a lie. You barely make your dues payment yearly, not to mention being behind on your mortgage payment. I thought the last time you came around my pack members, I told you that I’d kill you. What are you doing here today? Beside harassing my attorney.” She laughed, not even trying her best to stifle it when the man started sputtering about he’d not known she was his family. “Yet, Griffin is on the front door along with her hours of operation. Then again in the lobby, on her door that you had to open to come in here. And her nameplate, which declares her as Katie Griffin. Get out of here before I tell your daughter how you’re going to be out of a pack if you don’t leave now.”
He left so quickly that he’d forgotten to pick up his paperwork that was still on the floor. Edwin picked it up and laughed. After showing it to her, they both got a good laugh again at the other man’s expense.
“He likes to show off. I have no idea why he came in here. His daughter is his attorney, and that’s all she does to try to keep up with his shenanigans. And trust me when I tell you, that’s a full-time job for her, keeping her dad out of jail.”
Edwin stayed with her until her lunch appointment. He knew about as much as she did about working as an attorney as he’d been one a few decades ago. Telling her that he kept up with his license because he wanted to have a heads up on the laws while serving his last stint in the service.
The little restaurant was the perfect place to have a business meeting. The place was decorated with the local high school logo and there were jerseys hanging up everywhere. Some of them were framed, and the rest stuck to the wall with push pins to keep them in place.