Page 41 of The Bratva's Hostage Bride
“Surprise, surprise, gentlemen.” Cian swaggered in with a cheesy grin that went all the way up to his cheeks. “Funny seeing you here, Voronin.”
Declan appeared beside him, with a fucking smirk I wanted to wipe off with the butt of my gun. I wanted to hit him for more than one reason; he was the one my wife called, to possibly connive with against me.
It all made sense now. Benjamin’s absence was planned. The fool had, in fact, led me to a fucking trap. He set me up, giving O’Sullivan an advantage— the upper hand. It was obvious that they worked together to achieve this. My anger level spiked up and, without giving another thought, I pulled out my gun from between my belt and aimed at three of his men. Rationality be fucked.
If people wished to die, who was I to hold back their wish? I was ready to grant every last one of their desires.
“Humor never sounds good when it comes out of your fucking mouth, O’Sullivan. Has nobody ever told you that?”
He let out a dark chuckle. “Someone has, and right now, he’s taking a nap with the earth.”
Declan barked out a laugh like the stupid idiot he was, and I cringed.
“Come on now, sonny,” Cian spread his arms, a wicked glimmer in his eyes. “Is this how you say hello to your daddy-in-law?”
“Fuck you, O’Sullivan.” Before either of them could react. I shifted my gun to the man sandwiched between Daddy Dearest and Dicklan and pulled the trigger. He collapsed to the floor, a pool of red quickly forming around their feet. The laughter went stale, and the smile fell off Cian’s face.
I blinked thrice.
A quick signal that almost no one else caught, but Fedor noticed, and lifted his gun in the air, firing rapidly at more of Cian’s mutts. Cian and Declan took cover like fucking chickens, but Yuri went after them. The gun rounds continued, with me joining Fedor while they rushed at us. Two of them cornered me and threw lightning-fast punches. I tried to duck, narrowly avoiding the blow, but one successfully got a fist on my face and forehead.
I patted the surface and felt a light sting when my thumb brushed the grazed skin. A surge of adrenaline boosted me, and I saw red.
More than a dozen men turned to seven. And then to three. I tucked the gun between my belt behind my pants and decided to go physical with one of the three men left.
“Let’s dance, Cinderella.”
He rushed at me with a war cry, eyes blazing, and hands in the air. I swung my arm. One hit to the jaw took him out and I watched him fall like a log right onto a heap of dead men. Arching a brow, I spat at his back. “That was... disappointing.”
A ricochet of bullets resonated almost next to me, and I turned to see two bloodied men fall over themselves. Fedor’s arm bled and he had a nail scratch on his cheek. He glanced over at me and gave a curt nod. He was fine.
We stared distastefully at the bodies of men on the ground. It was barely a fight. I won.
Yuri stepped out from behind the building, bent over with one hand clutching his side, and the other aiming a gun at Cian and Declan’s heads. The kid was bleeding. Fedor rushed to his side, while I took out my gun and pointed at their foreheads.
The blonde had a gunshot wound on his shoulder and looked like he’d rolled around in mud. Considering that he still stood upright, the shoulder wound must have been nothing but a mild graze. On the other hand, Cian appeared untouched. Yet.
My lips curled to the side. “This is how I say hello to my daddy-in-law.”
The older man shot me a dark look. “You can’t do anything to me, Viktor.”
I gritted my teeth. He was right. Because of her. As long as she remained mine, I couldn’t hurt him. She would despise me, loathe me; and the thought of her hating me sank like an anchor, dragging me under, drowning me until I could no longer see the light.
“Maybe not you,” I flashed a cocky grin and, in a flash, moved my arm and fired at the same wound on Declan’s shoulder.
“Fuck!” His screams of agony pierced the air as he fell to his knees, clutching the fresh wound. “What the fuck! Jesus! Ow—shit!”
“But I can hurt his pretty face, can’t I?”
Cian didn’t even flinch.
“Why the fuck did you do that?”
I turned my attention to the blonde. He looked like shit, with twigs and dirt sticking out of his hair and red spreading lower, soiling half of his shirt. When I saw him, I remembered everything; Ava’s special affection for him, and how she preferred to run first to him before me.
I dropped to my haunches and pushed his head backward, meeting him at eye level. “Because I can, Dicklan,” I whispered in his ear. “Because you upset the shit out of me.”
He spat blood on my shoe, grinned, and whispered back. “You’re just fucking jealous, aren’t you? You know, deep down, if you weren’t in the picture, I’d have been the first and only man she’d fuck.”