Page 40 of The Bratva's Hostage Bride
If Benjamin Hawk successfully got rid of the two powerful Mafia bosses, that equaled the attainment of absolute power. That could be the only possible explanation for what he was trying to do.
With them out of the way, Benjamin Hawk’s sinister plan would be activated. He would rule the city and take everything they ever owned.
Chapter 19 - Viktor
The last time I listened to the radio was sixteen years ago.
I was twenty and had accidentally punched a cop during a street fight. Broke the fucker’s nose and got a free ticket to pass the night in a cell. Mr. Varkov didn’t get me out until two days later. The small price I had to pay for starting the brawl.
But besides everything else that happened that night, the most significant memory was the fucking radio going off and on in the car with the blaring blue and red sirens as we sped to the station. It had been sickening. That was the last time I sat through switching frequencies. Until today.
Giving a glance at the rearview mirror, my grip on the wheel tightened. To keep myself from fleeting back to thoughts about her, I forced myself to sit through the high-pitched commentaries from some popular OAPs on the fucking radio for two hours. I didn’t want to remember; her betrayal, the tears in her eyes...
My fingers squeezed on the wheel and my knuckles turned white. Fuck! Something tightened in my throat and pierced me in the fucking chest.
Why did it matter so much anyway?
I knew why. The reason pricked at the back of my head like a fucking needle on skin. It mattered because it was her. If any other person tried what she did, they would have had bullets in their eyes minutes ago.
But I couldn’t hurt her, despite how much I fucking wanted to.
She’d stabbed me in the thigh and wasn’t hesitant to stab me again in the fucking back. I inhaled deeply. Best to be calm before I become trigger-happy.
Picking up my phone, I scrolled through the text messages to reconfirm the meeting location Benjamin sent.
Downtown. Brooklyn.
Abandoned Vine Water Company by Walter Family Graveyard.
I scoffed. Regardless of the piles of money, he had hidden somewhere, the Hawk had a thing for old places with leaking buildings and rats. But I didn’t argue. The location was convenient—away from the public’s watchful eyes, and could be used to test the weapons, if we needed to.
I checked the side mirrors; a black Mercedes followed closely behind. One of my men, Yuri, sat behind the wheels; Fedor on the passenger’s seat, and Greg at the back. I didn’t bother with more men. The occasion didn’t call for it, and I doubted that we were going to encounter security threats from a graveyard.
One look in the Hawk’s eyes and one could tell that he couldn’t be trusted, but he was good with business, and I had lots of money to gain from him if the deal went through. Shortly, we drove past the abandoned graveyard and pulled up at the littered parking space of the water company building with big holes on its roofs and the “Vine” practically hanging upside down.
I rolled my shoulders to relax the storm that brewed within and stepped down from the car.
The three men lined up behind me, their guns safely held in a tight grip as we walked deeper into the parking lot. Grabbing a pack of smokes from my pocket, I scanned the area. At the horizon, the sun hung above the clouds, shining mercilessly on the rest of creation; and below, the area was deserted.
“Yuri?” A thick cloud of white smoke left my mouth, and the short man with eagle eyes and a buzzcut came forward. “Check the around.”
Yuri nodded and disappeared around the corner, taking cautious steps while craning his neck to search.
“He’s not here, is he?” Fedor appeared behind me; his brows pulled in the deepest crease when he added, “I’m not liking this. Something smells fucking fishy, and I don’t like fucking fish.”
I blew out another puff and dropped the stick to the ground, putting out the cheery glow with my shoes. Sliding my hands into my pockets, I turned around to him. “I don’t like fish either, Fedor, but we have to chill out. He could be running late.”
“Yeah,” A heavy snort passed his lips. “Right.”
Even I knew that shit was a lie. I’d only said it to stay rational. The second I transited to being trigger-happy, I knew I wouldn’t be able to stop myself.
Benjamin was as punctual as the fucking sunrise during dawn. He always always kept to time. And things didn’t add up. He’d sent the location and said he was already waiting for my arrival. If I didn’t know better, I’d say he was leading me straight into a fucking trap.
More footsteps, than just Yuri’s resounded, accompanied by the loud crunching of twigs and dried leaves. It pulled Fedor’s, Greg’s, and my attention to the corner Yuri entered not long ago. I tilted my chin up. Fedor gave me a look and I rolled my eyes. Turned out, I didn’t know better.
More than a dozen men appeared with their guns raised, and one pointed behind Yuri’s head, pushing him forward with hands lifted in surrender. I sighed and rubbed my eyes. From one problem to another. We were fucking outnumbered.
But that was going to come with a price. A price fucking Benjamin Hawk was going to pay dearly with his life. But first, we had to deal with the intruders.