Page 33 of Grave Investigations
Not sure where else to go, I do my ghost floating thing and head over to the grounds that I long to walk hand in hand with my soulmate again. Before she was in the picture, we spent many afternoons walking side by side, talking and laughing. We were meant to be.
A flash of anger has me growling to myself. Why is Lucien acting differently toward me? It has to be because of Iris. But no worries, I took care of her once, I can do it again.
It isn't far from the housing that Iris and her boys stay in, but with the changing times, I take a few wrong turns here and there.
Damn it!
All these roads look so similar that I’m somehow turned around. Turning north, I keep going and by a stroke of luck, I find myself back at home sweet home. The small Dean’s cottage where Daddy and I lived, until Iris ruined our lives at least.
It wasn’t my fault that she got Lucien under her spell. I tried to tell Daddy that she was a witch but he just laughed me off. Me? His daughter. That’s why he wasn’t spared from the fire. I wasn’t the liar, Iris was, and if he couldn’t see that then he was as bad as she was. I was the one laughing when the flames had consumed their bodies. Wasn’t I, Father?
Seeing our home neglected has me fighting back a wave of sadness. It is now nothing more than a shack that a strong wind can blow over. Just then, the wind begins to blow and the wood of the house rattles as if it can read my thoughts. I know I have a mission and finding my body is more important than these old memories.
My body, my body. Where are you? I laugh as I sing to myself, the sound as unhinged as they all think I am. But they are wrong about me. I’m the only observant one. It wasn’t my fault they couldn't understand that Iris had tried to ruin my life. That she’d cast spells on all of them.
Needing to be closer to the grounds where I met my one true love, I hover toward the college grounds themselves. I know this trail like the back of my hand. How many times have I made this trip? Memories threaten to take over again but I can’t let them. I’m too close to figuring this out.
Focus, Stella.
That bitch will get what’s coming to her soon enough. There will be a day that my love and those other idiots will not be there to save her and her life will be mine. It’s all I’ve thought of from the moment I saw she was back.
There is nothing I crave more than her blood coating my hands, to watch as the life depletes from her eyes. I hope it’s slow and painful, the agony too much to bear. I need her to know that I am the one that kills her, to take back what was mine.
Just before I reach the edge of the university, I hear a rustling in front of me. Being so hellbent on my mission to find my body, I’m not paying attention to things around me. Giggles fill the air and I know it isn’t dangerous, just some kids fooling around.
Rolling my eyes, I keep moving.
Body, Stella.
Right, I have to move it…but how? I heard some of the so-called ghost hunters say that ghosts could inhabit a body but that was never anything that I wanted to do until now. The thought of being stuck in someone's insides makes my nonexistent skin crawl. But desperate times call for desperate measures.
Not to mention, I have no clue how to achieve it. Am I supposed to just float in to take over? Do I have to attach myself somehow? What if they fight the possession? Maybe a weak-minded person would be the best to try it on. Yes, I will find my body and then attempt to dominate the living.
Oh, I love the thought of that. If I am successful, maybe Iris would be next. Oh yes, I could make her kill herself and not one person would be the wiser. My laughter echoes around me, no one able to hear my gleeful excitement at the mental image I painted. I love when a plan comes together.
Before I leave the college grounds I glide just above the buildings, searching everywhere for my remains. There’s nothing marking a grave or a sign that mentions a body buried on the grounds. It was a long shot but a girl can hope.
Next up is the only cemetery in this town. That is where my Lucien and father were laid to rest, so I surely will be with them, right? That’s the place I belong, with both of the men who mattered in my life. The man I loved and the one that raised me.
Lucien’s grave is one I know well and I go there first. I visited it as often as I could once the flames took my life and I could be with him once again. If he wasn’t living anymore, I didn’t want to be, either. The asylum thought that they could cage me into the body I no longer needed. But they were wrong, I wasn’t the only one to go to the afterlife when I left. I took two of those motherfuckers with me. That thought brings a smile to my lips.
If I was going to Hell, I’d at least take a few people with me, but I never made it to Hell. Unless Hell on Earth was the true place for tortured souls. I was told there would be fire and brimstone and I got none of that, what lies we were told growing up…
I continue my search and outrage bubbles up when I come up with nothing. Again. No decorative headstone or even a simple marker with my name. There isn’t even a pull to the unnamed graves. How are there so many markers here and yet my body isn’t under a single one? Those assholes at the asylum fucked this up?
Then, it dawned on me. The Asylum. How could I be so stupid not to go there first? That has to be where my body is. I groan at the thought, realizing that it’s on the other side of town. I want to get this over with and continue the plotting of Iris’s death once again. Not this irritating task. I’m not sure if salting and burning my bones will do as they hope but I can’t leave it to chance.
On my way to the last place I was alive, I pay attention to the few living things that are out and about this time of night. I’m hoping to find my first test subject, but none of these bodies are worthy of me. I have no intention of inhabiting a whore or drunk and those are the only ones I come across on my little trek. The living have really gone downhill since I walked the earth, they were never like this before, at least not here, it’s disgusting really.
My eyes fall upon my last home away from home. The hate I feel for the asylum is almost the same level I hold for Iris. But I have to push that aside and find my body.
Once I had talked a nurse into walking me around the grounds. I only did it to take stock and find a hole in their system to escape, but they were pretty solid. The only thing of note was the little patch in the back that is overgrown. Could that be where they buried me? Just before I move behind the old building that’s long since been abandoned, I hear a whistle.
Standing out in the open and primed for my taking is a security guard strolling the grounds. Yes, he will be the best subject to test out the possession on. Unsuspecting and far away from prying eyes. We are out in the middle of nowhere, not a soul will hear him if he screams.
I float up behind him, pausing for a moment before I dive in. It’s an odd sensation, almost as if I can feel something tingling along my transparent form, as I explore this man’s insides. I will myself to go for the brain, knowing I need to take full control. Tormenting him will only make him fight.
He fights for control, but just as I suspect, he’s weak minded and I snuff out his fight easily. He’s a distant memory in the back of my mind as we stroll over to the makeshift cemetery. I find what I’m looking for in the back corner, a rock with the name S. Walker. There I am, now it’s time to hunt for something to dig up my bones.