Page 32 of Grave Investigations
“Shouldn’t we make sure that salting bones is even an option?” Eli points out and I nod my head in agreement.
“I already did.” Jayce’s words leave us staring in silence again but he’s saved by a knock on the door. “That’s our food.” When he walks away Eli turns to me, dumbfounded.
“Is he serious?”
“He’s Jayce. He’s always serious,” I say with a shake of my head. It takes everything in me to leave the comfort of the warm bed but I force myself to get up and join Jayce.
“What else did you research?” Eli asks as casually as he can manage. I grab us a few sodas from the fridge but my attention is on my nerdy boyfriend who, apparently, has been busy.
“Mainly how to banish a poltergeist,” he admits around a bite of his burger. When he swallows he continues. “This isn’t a regular ghost. She’s proven that tonight. But I’ve been worried from the moment we realized she was in the picture. She tried to kill you more than just now. Ever since the shower curtain incident… I’ve been trying to do anything I can to keep you safe.”
“Why didn’t you tell us?” Eli accuses. There’s frustration in his tone, but also hurt.
Jayce seems to realize it, his face crumpling. “I’ve done it again, haven’t I?”
“Gone straight to problem-solving mode and ignored everyone else in the process, not realizing the damage it can cause?” I ask pointedly. He nods miserably and I give him a soft smile. “We know your heart is in the right place. You just have to work on keeping us in the loop, okay?”
“Alright,” he sighs. “I’m sorry, for what that’s worth.” He stands abruptly and walks away, coming back a few minutes later with a whole stack of papers in his hands. His handwriting is impossible to read, so we are forced to wait while he sorts through it.
“Clue us in?” Eli finally says when Jayce doesn’t offer anything up for several minutes.
“So, there’s some notes here on holy water, but there’s some back and forth on whether it’s truly effective. There’s a few other options from different cultures, but we don’t have access to everything without spending a fortune, and again, I can’t decipher half of those languages without more study. So all roads essentially point back to salting and burning the bones. I even have salt and an empty gas can in my trunk.”
“Damn,” Eli whistles as he sits back. “So, why haven’t we dug her up?”
“Because it’s a crime,” he admits. And things got quiet for a bit. “ Honestly? I’ve been hoping that we’d find something else that would be easier. Less dismal.”
“What is it?” I ask, realizing he’s holding something back. He lets out a dark laugh.
“You know me too well,” he says. “There’s another thing holding me back. It’s that one of the pieces I found on it says that it can curse the soul to Hell.”
“Where she belongs,” I counter with a raised eyebrow.
“But who are we to decide that?” His voice is quiet and I can tell from the creased frown that this has been an internal debate for a bit.
“The ones trying to protect ourselves,” Eli admits. “She won’t stop. There’s nothing else we can do to end this. For good. She made her choices, so if she ends up in Hell? Well, we aren’t in charge of that.”
“That’s why I’ve spent days looking this shit over,” Jayce growls in frustration. “There’s no other options that I found and how do we live with ourselves if we make this choice for her?”
“Easily. Because if we don’t, she’ll kill us one by one,” I shoot back. “Look. I’m not the one to usually just go right for something so vile. But if we stay complacent, it’ll end in losing one of us. And frankly, I won’t risk you to save her fucking soul, she’s a murderer. Let the bitch burn.”
“Damn, Rav, that’s dark,” Eli whistles. “But I have to agree. We’ve reached the point of no return here. If it’s us or her, then she goes.”
“Okay,” Jayce says, his face now at peace. “Then that’s what we do. I’ll have her details tomorrow. Just be one hundred percent sure, alright?”
Did Iris really think that she could kill me? I sent that bitch to her grave once, there was nothing on this earth that would stop me from doing it again.
I overheard Iris and her new boy toys talking about digging me up and salting my remains before burning them. How that will get rid of me, I’m not sure but I can’t take that chance. I have to get Iris out of the way so I can have Lucien for myself once more.
Think, Stella, think.
Where are we buried? The college?
No, I couldn’t be there, could I?
There isn’t exactly a cemetery on campus.