Page 7 of Worship
I hardly have the words to describe how pleasing this is to me. It brings me even greater joy than I felt when I was observing the chaos back at the tavern. How can my day get any better than this? It seems almost unfair.
“You’re nothing but a useless coward, Carus. I hope you know that. You bring nothing but shame and dishonor to your bloodline.”
I hum quietly to myself. Resting my head against the chimney stack behind me, I sigh. “You know, those words would hurt an awful lot if they were coming from someone besides yourself. That should show you how much I value your opinion.”
“I don’t care if you value my opinion or not, you fool!” Eras hisses. “It’s the truth! Everyone around thinks it. You’re nothing but a poor idiot who has nothing better to do than bring trouble to everyone else’s lives!”
Peeking out from behind the chimney, I watch as Eras wipes the sweat from his brow. He hardly has the strength to keep himself upright. He nearly stumbles over as he reaches down to retrieve his blade, the same one he tossed recklessly to the side during his tantrum.
“I enjoy bringing trouble to your life, Eras,” I mock, amused by how he can’t seem to find where the source of my voice is coming from. Is he that slow? “Thank you for bringing me a lot of fun tonight. You have some use, I suppose.”
“Carus!” Eras exclaims. At that point, I’m already retreating, scaling down the length of the building and leaving him to his own devices. Eras’s voice bellows out. “Carus!”
“Good riddance,” I whisper, wiping my hands clean and sheathing my small dagger back into its hold. “He’s a pesky thing.”
Walking through the dark streets, I wander aimlessly through the labyrinth of the city. I keep my distance from Eras. The brute still thinks he has a chance at catching up to me. That’s a laughable sight, but I keep my chuckles to myself as I press forward.
Even a troublemaker like me gets tired after a full night of activity. I accomplished so much in so little time. I shouldreward myself with something, but I’m not too sure what. I could seek out a fine place to spend the night, or perhaps enjoy a mouthwatering meal while I contemplate the night’s events.
No. None of that captures my interest.
As I make my way over the crest of the road, I see a certain landmark in the distance. The temple of Karona, in all of its beauty. Such a wonderful sight. It’s one of the most beautiful structures on all of Aerasak, in my opinion, with its delicately designed walls and meticulously made statues that adorn the grounds.
I wasn’t planning on making a visit to such a sacred place, but something tells me it’ll be a good idea. Why shouldn’t I end my night with a bang? I certainly deserve it, considering all that I’ve done.
An itch starts in my fingers. Mischief consumes me, driving my steps toward the precious temple. Anyone else would know better than to disturb the temple’s inhabitants, especially at this hour. Thankfully, I’m not like anyone else.
“A treasure awaits me here,” I say quietly, happily traveling through the streets despite my tired feet. “It’s my duty to go claim it.”
I’m not too sure I believe those words, but I’m a believer of seizing opportunities in any shape or form they come in. This is another such case.
Another successful night, but my body still craves more. The blood in my veins calls for anarchy and I shall give it. But I’m afraid the next turbulent event needs to be more discreet.
I sneak through the shadows, hiding my appearance. My eyes dart to every corner, every street, every window. I’m careful not to arouse attention, but I’m also curious to see if I can spark some trouble on the way to the temple.
Where are the orcs when you need them?I sigh internally, gleefully imagining a sparring match with those brutes.
During my lapse of thought, I catch a glimpse of Eras and his underlings searching for me on the roofs. A smirk draws on my lips.
He’ll go crazy when he can't find even a glimpse of me, I excitedly think as I fasten my pace.
The darkness of the night alludes to that of my heart. There’s nothing more fun than creating chaos where I go. Leaving seeds of my destruction is a certain way to keep my memory alive. Even when thousands of years have passed.
After making sure those fools are left in a crazy chase, whispering to each one to search in a different direction, I take yet another path while they bicker. One I never thought of before. The roads where the city gets more sparse and less populated. Quiet and still but nonetheless, replete with nature.
My path leads me to the opulent doors of the temple of Karona. A haven I’ve never had the curiosity to explore. Its reputation of paradise is untested by my own experience.
It never crossed my mind to wonder why I never came closer to this place. The secrecy it holds just from the outside is enough to catch one’s attention. The stillness of everything around it seems almost too perfect. As if it were from a distant dream.
I look over my shoulder. No one’s following me, but my back’s still wide open for a surprise attack. What more can I do if I’m between the wall and a knife?
I slip through the temple’s entrance, uninvited and unnoticed. As I make my way inside, a sense of calm descends upon me. A very stark contrast from the tavern’s uproar leaves me momentarily adrift.
My word. This is truly a temple for the gods.