Page 6 of Worship
Eras, from the Fouuer line, has never liked me. Of course, a brute committed to blind honor is naturally going to find an issue with my interests and desires. Do I care about that? Absolutely not.
Still, it poses an issue when I’m looking for some fun. He knows I’m the one who created this mess. He knows I’m the one who ignited this fire. That beast will have no problem coming up here in an attempt to confront me.
But that’s the thing about Eras. He’s all muscle but absolutely no brain.
Sure enough, after staring at me with those narrowed eyes, he disappears from the chaos below. I wait in anticipation, ready to hear the slam of his feet against the rooftop I’m currently standing on.
Within seconds, he’s here, heaving and huffing as the dark serpentine armor against his giant form hinders any quick movements. As I turn around to face him, I realize his silhouette is highlighted by the moon.
I suppose even the most monstrous sights can be made beautiful by something as subtle as nature.
“Carus!” he yells, a grating sound to my ears. “What do you think you’re doing?”
“What does it look like?”
“Creating more issues, I see,” he replies, unsheathing his long sword from its hold. “You need someone to teach you a lesson.”
“And do you believe it’s going to be you?” I perk a brow, making sure to emphasize my last word. His heaving form doesn’t move. Drool spills from his bottom lip. “That’s funny. I don’t take lessons from animals.”
Like a bolt through the sky, Eras charges. His blade threatens to slice through my flesh. Indeed, if I’m not careful, someone likeEras could easily swipe my head off with one easy blow to the neck.
Thankfully, I’m quicker than him. I sidestep him easily, allowing him to fall forward due to the power behind his momentum. He lets out a frustrated breath, trying to follow me with harsh whips of the head.
By then, I’m already standing on a different rooftop. Once he notices me, I offer a small bow.
“You’re a force to be reckoned with, dear Eras.” I smile. “But so am I.”
Just for the fun of it, I allow Eras to catch up. It brings me great joy to see him spend so much of his energy trying to follow me across the rooftops, just for me to leap effortlessly out of the way of his strikes.
He does his best, I’ll commend him for that. Despite his armor and sword weighing him down, he does a great job chasing me for as long as he does.
With each strike and swing of that blade, it only exhausts him more. I, on the other hand, am full of light energy and mischief. I enjoy this little dance that we’re engaging in. He’s the brute hand of justice around here. I’m nothing but a taunting breeze.
I carry a small blade of my own. It does nothing to match the impressive weapon currently in Eras’s hands, but it can do some damage if used efficiently.
At one point, Eras approaches me loudly, panting with each step. He overextends his arm, threatening to topple him forward. I respond with a few cuts to his tired limb, carving him up and escaping quickly before he has the chance to retaliate.
Eras lets out a bellow into the cool night air, the veins along his skin threatening to explode if I keep taunting him like this. Thankfully, I’m not one to have empathy for an opponent. Especially not one like him.
“Carus, you…” Eras doesn’t have the breath to finish that statement. He glares at me from across the rooftop, spending a few moments catching some air. “You fool. You pathetic little fool. How dare you?”
“Is that a question you want me to answer? Because if I tell the truth, you’ll be greatly displeased,” I reply, placing my hands behind my back. “I like creating a mess of things. It’s what I do.”
“You enjoy bringing calamity and destruction wherever you go?”
“Yes,” I say simply. To me, it’s the most obvious thing in the world. “I don’t expect someone like you to understand. You’re obsessed with law and order. Why don’t you allow yourself to live a little bit?”
“I enjoy bringing peace into the world, Carus!”
“Well, that’s where we differ greatly. I don’t find much enjoyment in peace. There’s just nothing to do. Nothing amusing to see. How am I supposed to be entertained in a world like that?”
My words rile Eras up quite a bit. He straightens out his back and charges towards me again. Honestly, this doesn’t seem as fun as it did before. He’s losing stamina. He’s too loud with his stomps. His swings lack power.
I’m getting bored.
Just as before, I allow him to take a good swing at me. It finds air. I use the shadows to my advantage, finding refuge behind a tall chimney stack.
The wind whips around us, allowing my laugh to travel quickly and far. It’s a mocking echo to the likes of Eras, who groans and tosses his blade to the side in his frustration.