Page 84 of Professor and the Seer
“Cake. And pastries. And cheese.”
“Mmm. Cheese.” Enyo smacked her lips.
Frieda proved to be right. A feast awaited, yet John barely touched it. He waited for the crash.
When it hit, and Frieda slumped against him, mumbling, “Damn, I’m tired,” he carried her to bed and let his mother handle the sisters.
John wrapped himself around Frieda, and when she woke him in the morning by wiggling her ass against him, he more than happily slid into her. They rocked together in time, breaths panting, her body wet and welcoming, squeezing, coming.
When they’d calmed from their orgasm, she whispered, “I’m so glad you didn’t actually die.”
He hugged her close and said, “Will you marry me?
We married within the week in the greenhouse with its lovely plants. My sisters gave me away, and Grams blessed our union. For our honeymoon, we actually went back to my apartment, mostly to pack it up. In the days since we’d vanquished Ariadne, so much had happened.
After the wedding, Enyo and Bane went monster hunting. Not for any real reason other than those two were slightly crazy and meant for each other.
Dina returned to her poor demon dog but told us she’d be back to study more of Merlin’s book.
As for me… I’d been offered a job by the college, my very first, and I was excited. Along with my husband, I’d be researching the arcane past, him using his awesome professor intuition, me with my handy-dandy touch—a touch I was getting better at controlling. I’d finally learned to build a wall around myself and no longer feared leaving the house. With a bit of practice and help, I’d also figured out how to borrow magic without causing harm. In other words, how to turn the tap on and off.
When we took a break from packing, we ended up in bed. My favorite place to be with my new husband.
“I am so happy.” He nuzzled my hair.
“You’re just saying that because we had sex.”
He chuckled. “I’m saying it because I am madly in love with you.”
“But if you ever make a bargain with a god again and have a golem of me killed so you can go off and try to save the world alone, I will put you over my knee for a spanking,” he threatened.
“Really?” I turned in his lap and offered him a mischievous smile. “Now I’m kind of hoping Typhon comes back because that sounds absolutely titillating.”
“Do you see him returning?” he asked, his tone sobering.
Lie or tell the truth? “Yes, but don’t worry. He won’t be our problem.” I hadn’t yet told him the future sat at a major crossroads. To one side, the happily ever after I craved. On the other? Death and destruction.
As to why I kept the secret? The last thing I needed was for the Arcane League to find out Dina might end up starting the apocalypse.
Our only hope to avert it? My prickly sister needed to fall in love.
Yeah, we were so screwed.
* * *
Dina exited her apartment building dressed in a warm sherpa coat, leash in hand to give Jinx—her sweet, adorable baby who’d missed her so much while she’d been away—a walk. She breathed in the fresh air of the outdoors, only to notice it tinged with a hint of cigar smoke.
A glance in that direction showed a figure in a pea coat over slacks, wearing a hat not seen often in these modern times. The man cut a rather elegant figure though, she had to admit. Must be new to the neighborhood, since they’d never met.
He smiled in her direction.
What a handsome man. He had a matching sexy, deep voice too. “Lovely afternoon, isn’t it.”
The weather. A topic of inane chatter used by people around the world. “We won’t have many left before winter.”