Page 82 of Professor and the Seer
With my ability back, I tried once more to siphon magic, but I didn’t have the fear from before driving me.
But Ariadne didn’t know that.
When Reaper appeared, she shrieked, “Stay away from me.”
He strode silently, his billowing robes wisping like smoke with every step.
Ariadne looked around desperately. “Kill him!” Her monstrous army didn’t move.
Why would they when their true master was among them?
“This is your fault,” she accused my mother and flung a spell with her hand.
Before anyone could grasp her plan, a hole opened up and swallowed Mom. Before it could close, a cursing Bacchus dove in after her.
No time to grieve, though. Ariadne tried to eliminate my witch sister next, flinging out her hand. Dina dodged the bolt of lightning and threw one of her own that shattered on Ariadne’s shield.
Without a word being spoken, I moved to stand by Dina, Enyo on her other side. We didn’t need to touch to be joined.
Reaper stopped to the left of us, his voice low yet thunderous as he said, “You’ve lost. Return what you stole and I promise you a quick death.”
“You can’t kill me. I still have all your power,” Ariadne spat.
“See how well it serves you in another dimension then,” Dina stated. Knowing what would happen didn’t prepare me for the weakness. This time it wasn’t me taking, but Dina.
I wavered on my feet as my power poured into her. John steadied me and ended up giving of himself too. As did Enyo.
While I’d seen it, it still shocked to see my sister float above the floor, rippling with magic, looking wonderous and terrifying all at once. And with that power, she reached with her fingers to rip open a portal of her own.
Ariadne pursed her lips. “I won’t be imprisoned.”
Whereas Reaper growled, “Close that. We have to finish her here.”
“Listen to your god,” mocked Ariadne before she shut off the magic.
The sudden loss of it sent me to my knees with a gasp. Poor Dina would have tumbled hard to the floor if Reaper hadn’t snatched her midair and set her on her feet.
“Enough of this. Time for you to go back where you came from.” Ariadne snapped. The magic returned, but we were spent, weak. Ariadne did a slow walk down the stairs, triumph on her face. “Such a handy trick being able to turn it on and off at will.”
Fear prickled me, and with it, my desperation and ability to grab magic. I grabbed for another band on her arm, not caring which I got. I just needed her weakened.
The metal ringlet fell off, and Ariadne’s eyes widened. But I wasn’t done. I reached for the last band as panic entered her gaze. She waved her hand, and a new portal appeared.
Typhon yelled, “Don’t let her escape.”
With a blown kiss, Ariadne jumped into the dark hole, which closed instantly, taking the monster god’s magic with her.
It led to a cry of rage. “What have you done?”
“Saved the world from her psycho butt. You’re welcome,” was Enyo’s reply.
“This isn’t over.” With a swirl of smoke, Typhon disappeared.
Leaving us amidst some minotaurs who, lacking a leader, chose to do what monsters do best.