Page 38 of Professor and the Seer
I followed, my steps swift yet silent as I trailed the faint glow ahead of me—the only light in this place since whoever ran the electricity hadn’t yet extended it to this section. On the wall, empty brackets showed where torches once lit the way.
The long corridor ended in descending steps, the winding curve of the staircase hiding the illumination of the being I followed. Not wanting to be lost in darkness, I hastened to keep pace, wondering at this strange place. How could I so vividly dream of something I’d never seen or visited? Or was this some kind of future—or past—vision? My seeing didn’t usually have me actually present in the vision. Or was this a rare hint of what was to come for me?
My fingers trailed on the wall or tried to. As if I were a ghost, they passed right through the stone. Startling. I tucked my hands to my body, needing the reassurance that I at least remained solid to myself.
The staircase ended abruptly, spilling me onto a ledge that I almost stepped off of. I caught myself, barely. My arms windmilled as I threw myself backwards, landing on my ass, which thankfully didn’t go through the rock. I bit my tongue lest I cry out. Tears pricked at the sharp pain of it, but I didn’t taste blood.
Had my near mishap drawn attention? I heard and saw nothing. Where had the robed being I’d followed gone?
I crept to the edge of the ledge and peeked at what appeared to be a massive cavern, dark but for the glowing robed figure that floated down from where we’d emerged, the smoky robe undulating around them. They had their arms extended, and light radiated from their body, but not enough for me to truly see much other than the place seemed immense. Oddly, nothing echoed, most likely due to a dulling pressure that stifled all sound.
The figure landed on the ground far, far below me. To give you an idea of the drop, if you ever played with ants outside as a child, then I could extend my finger and hide the being with the tip.
They strode forward, arms sweeping grandly, and with each step, braziers lit, massive stone cairns with hollowed tops, the flames not a normal yellow or orange, but pink with a core of yellow. Familiar, and I couldn’t think why until I remembered the cavern back on Bane’s island. The column and the marks on our back had glowed in the same hues.
What on Earth was going on? Wait, was this even Earth?
The braziers ended at a massive door, black and seamless, the surface of it matte and smooth. The doorway swung open at the being’s approach, and I’d have sworn I heard a whisper.
Home at last.
The portal slammed shut with a resounding boom. Only then did I dare to stand. What a strange place for me to imagine. It sure didn’t feel like a vision of the future, nor did I get the impression I peeked into the past. If I were to listen to my gut, I’d say this happened in the present.
Had I unlocked a new ability? One that manifested when I dreamed? Since I could wake up at any moment, I should explore that I might tell John about it. Perhaps he’d recognize this place.
A glance left and right of the ledge showed narrow stairs going down on both sides, yet I hesitated to descend. If this was a dream, then I had nothing to fear.
Despite my worry, I had to know more.
My steps made no sound on the stone as I descended, the stairs smooth and dust free. No cobwebs or rat scat either. A place untouched by time.
As I neared the braziers and their bright light, I realized the walls were carved, the symbols jaw dropping, as they were just like the ones on my back, plus some I’d never seen. A whole plethora of language covered every inch of the walls and the floor, keeping me awestruck as I made it to the bottom.
Markings that lit yellow when I stepped on the floor.
I jumped back onto the stairs, but the glow didn’t fade. Rather, it spread from my point of contact, zigzagging across the room until it reached the door and stopped.
Almost like an invitation to follow.
Bad idea.
I knew that, and yet I found myself stepping on the yellowed marks. As I tread, behind me the light faded. The braziers I walked between didn’t exude any heat or smoke. A skim of my hand close to the strange flames left my skin chilled.
I slowed as I neared the massive doorway. It was at least ten feet high and showed no way to open the doors. Should I knock? Run?
The portal swung open, and a gaping maw of darkness awaited. I didn’t want to go inside. I hugged myself even as a voice whispered from within.
Come to me, prophetess. Come and bring with you the warrior and the sorceress.
My sisters? No. Oh no. I shook my head and tried to retreat, only to find my feet mired as if caught in cement.
From the dark cavity of the doorway, a cold presence neared. The air sizzled with electricity and power, pimpling my skin and lifting my hair.