Page 53 of Queen of Misfortune (Shadows of Redemption)
"Get in line."
I let out a laugh. Although the topic isn't funny, there's something about Lucy's comment that breaks through the tension. "I think I'd like seeing you exact your revenge on your parents."
"You don't think I could do it?"
I laugh again. "I have no doubt you could do it, my little warrior princess. Hell, you could probably run your father's business. But it doesn't take away from the deep-seated rage I feel and the revenge I want to enact on your behalf." I raise a hand to stop her from speaking. "I know I'm being a misogynist toady, but that's how I feel." I watch her for a moment, wanting her to see the truth of what I'm saying in my eyes. "You have value beyond your virginity or your sexuality, and I know it's crazy to say now, considering what we just did, but you do."
She smiles, but it doesn’t quite reach her eyes. It’s almost as if she doesn’t believe me. I have an urge to take her into my arms and show her that I mean what I’m saying, but it would be too soon. She needs time to rest and recover.
She hands the washcloth back to me and then scoots down into the bed, pulling the blankets up around her. "No one bothered to ask me."
I stop my exit from the bed and turn back to her. "What?"
"About my virginity. No one ever asked me. People just assume. That's one of the problems with all of you."
I grind my teeth, hating that she's lumping me into the group of people she hates. Even though I'm a part of it. I made the assumption that she was accusing everyone of making.
"No one asks because I don't think they really want to know. Or maybe they don't really care."
A mixture of irritation and guilt tightens my belly. I don't know what to say, so I get up, go to the bathroom, rinse the washcloth off, then hang it to dry. I return to the bedroom, and I desperately want to get in bed with her again. But she's rolled away from me. I'm a man who normally takes what I want, but that's the problem. That's where her resentment and bitterness stem from. If I'm going to earn her respect, I have to start by respecting her.
I get dressed and for a moment, I watch her. Her steady breathing tells me she's nearly asleep. I'm torn between wanting to stay and knowing I have a job to get back to. It's not going to be long before people are wondering where I am and come looking for me.
With great reluctance, I leave her room, knowing that by the time she wakes and I see her again, my ice princess will be back.
It's been five days, and my prediction has been right. Lucy is keeping a wide berth. In all honesty, it's not as hard since now that I'm mostly healed, I'm spending more time out in the field.
I tell myself that being apart from her is a good thing. What's the point in being with her, fucking her, when nothing will come of it? Nothing could come of it. Sure, I’d like to do the whole marriage and family thing someday, but it won’t be with Lucy. She’s made it clear that she has no interest in the life I lead. It makes me wonder why she let me fuck her. She gave her virginity to me. Whatever the reason, I know it’s not because she feels something for me. No, she has disdain for me and my world.
I think back to her comments about feeling like she was nothing and that no one cares for her. It’s not true. I don’t know what I’m feeling, but it’s not nothing. But it’s also not something I can spend too much time analyzing or wanting more of. Not with her, anyway.So, her staying away from me is for the best, I tell myself. Even as I think that, I’m scanning the area for her as I make my way to Niko's office. God, I’m becoming such a sap.
I enter Niko's office and stop short when I see that Luca Conti is there. This is a surprise visit unless Niko had arranged it. If he had set it up, why wasn't I notified?
Niko waves me in. "Donovan, come and shut the door."
Like a good soldier, I do as I'm asked and approach Niko's desk, studying him and Luca.
Niko turns to Luca. "Tell them what you told me."
Luca’s eyes narrow and he studies me. I don't blame them. Just a few days ago, I'd nearly ripped his arms off after finding him hugging Lucy. What the fuck was that about? It makes it all the weirder that she let me fuck her.
"I'm not sure how this information is relevant to Donovan."
My hands bunch into fists even though I'm not sure why, except that now I can't get the image of his hugging Lucy out of my head.
"Aside from my wife, there's no one else here who is more invested in Lucia's well-being than Donovan."
I cast a glance toward Niko, wondering what he means by that. Is my infatuation with Lucy that obvious? I push all that out of my head because something's up and I need to know what it is.
I turn my attention back to Luca. "I apologize for the other day at the clinic. Don Leone charged me with Lucy's protection." I don’t mean it, of course. With the image of Lucy in his arms seared in my head, I still want to rip his arms out.
Luca's eyes remain narrow on me, but he gives a subtle nod. "I have come to the conclusion that Giovanni Fiori is a madman."
I snorted. “That’s not news.”