Page 28 of Harmony
Rory of course will wear something sexy. I hate seeing her dress like that, but even I know it works for the band. My sister is considered the most beautiful woman in our small town. She may as well use it to the band’s advantage.
At least I don’t have to worry about male groupies trying to get in her pants. Brock won’t let anyone near her.
I laugh out loud. I never thought I’d be thankful for a Steel, but I’m grateful that Rory is very much taken.
I make sure I have my phone and wallet. Everything else we need is already at the venue. It will be packed up tonight because tomorrow we move to Edinburgh.
I take the elevator down to the first floor, and when the doors open, I see Maddie standing before me.
I drop my jaw. “What are you doing here?”
“Don’t worry. Brianna is with Dragon. She insisted I come to the concert tonight, Jesse.”
“She did?”
“Yeah. For some strange reason, she really wants to look after Dragon. And you and Rory are my siblings, not hers. I want to see the concert, Jess.”
“We’re leaving now.”
“Well, yeah, you and the band are leaving. I can take a cab to the venue. I want to change.”
I nod. This trip isn’t just about Rory, the band, or me. It’s about Maddie too. It’s about giving our little sister something to remember. She put off her last semester of college for this, and if what she wants is to see our band perform at every concert, that’s what she’ll have.
“I’m sorry,” I say.
“For what?”
“For making you sit with Dragon all day.”
She grabs my hand and squeezes it. “Jesse, I was glad to do it. And Brianna’s still there. You don’t have anything to worry about. Dragon’s going to be fine.”
I nod, give her a quick hug, and then watch as she gets into the elevator.
I head to the entrance, where the rest of the band stands. The limo is waiting.
“Thank God,” Rory says.
“You didn’t really think…”
“No, Jesse. I trust you. But there’s something between you and Dragon that the rest of us don’t understand. That’s okay.” She gives me a quick hug. “I know this is killing you. But you need to be in top form tonight, Jess. We need to show all of Emerald Phoenix that they were not wrong to put their faith in us.”
Yeah. Doesn’t seem to be bothering Rory nearly as much that Zane Michaels tried to get our littlest sister in bed last night.
But Jett was mortified, so I know Zane will be keeping his hands to himself for the rest of the tour.
The concert goes great again, and we’re well received, getting another standing ovation from the crowd who came to see Emerald Phoenix.
Rory and I were totally in sync, despite my worries about Dragon. Though I thought I could hear what was lacking in Derek’s percussion performance—Dragon’s unique artistry—I have to admit that he was technical perfection. He came in on time and never missed a beat on every number.
No encore of course, so as soon as we’re gone, I head straight to Derek, holding out my hand. He did an amazing job, so I’m letting the things he said about Dragon and the way he looked at Rory go. Trying to, anyway.
“Thanks so much, man. You were terrific.”
Derek wipes perspiration off his forehead and then slicks his dark-blond hair back. “Glad to do it. I love to play, but I don’t get to very often. I’m usually on hand as backup to the backup. This was a coup, since Emerald Phoenix’s normal backup couldn’t make it, but I doubted I’d get to play. Man, when I heard you guys rock this place last night, I was impressed.”
“Thanks.” I’m not sure what else I should say. The guy’s a great drummer, and he got us out of a jam, but something about him rubs me the wrong way. Maybe I’m just still pissed about his comments about Dragon and addicts in general.
“You guys are going places,” Derek says. “You and your sister have something I’m not sure I’ve ever seen or heard. Part of it is that you come from the same genes, so your voices are slightly similar in the way they mix. But it’s also your chemistry onstage. It’s more than brother-and-sister chemistry, but obviously not lovers’ chemistry either.”