Page 27 of Harmony
“I know.”
Cage and Jake excused themselves after finishing dinner, so it’s just Rory, Brock, and me now.
“Do I need to put you on a leash?” my sister asks.
“For God’s sake, Ror.”
She narrows her eyes. “I see it on your face, Jess. Your instinct is to go over to that hospital. You think you can get there. A quick ride there and back, just to check. But we’re leaving for the venue in an hour. An hour, Jess. There isn’t time.”
“I could go to the venue from the hospital,” I say.
“No,” she says adamantly, sounding strikingly like our mother.
And she’s right, of course.
I must stay.
I must stay with the band. The band has to be my priority.
Not Dragon. Not Brianna.
But the band.
I draw in a breath. “Do you trust me enough to go back to my room and try to focus for a bit?”
“Of course I do.” She kisses my cheek. “Now go. I will see you down at the entrance in forty-seven minutes exactly.”
I nod, leave Brock and Rory’s suite, and head to my own room, which is only one door down.
When Rory got the room for me, after I was suffering terrible jet lag when we first got here, she was bound and determined to make sure she could keep an eye on me. Hence the room next to hers. And I was happy to have it.
Very happy to have it last night, when I fucked Brianna Steel.
Still, I should’ve stayed in the room with Dragon. My original room. And all of this could’ve been avoided?—
No! I cannot keep going there.
I must keep my mind on the band.
I lie down on my bed, visualize. Go through our entire concert in my head.
I don’t have to worry about nodding off. Not when the adrenaline is already starting to flow.
I visualize the entire concert, visualize the audience’s thundering applause, visualize…
Brianna Steel.
In the front row.
Standing, like she did last night, her tits filling out that Dragonlock tee.
I jerk upward. “Stop it,” I say aloud.
Then I head to the bathroom, check myself in the mirror, change into my outfit for the concert.
Black jeans. Black shirt. Black boots.
Simple, but it works.