Page 69 of Cooper
“Well said, mydear.”
“My daughterhas a way of speaking that defies description,” Marjorie saidin the way of apology as she sent Brooke a steely glance.
“I love it.Very refreshing.”
“My mother doesnot like me embarrassing her. I hate to tell you, Mother, but Cooperloves that I do not have any filter.”
“One of themany things I love about her.” He squeezed her shoulder, hiseyes warm and intimate, leaving no doubt of his feelings.
The bell tinkled justthen. “Ah, dinner is served.”
“Your sisterhates me.” They had finished the sumptuous seven-course meal,and afterward, Copper took her on a house tour. Now, they werewalking the vast grounds with the scents of begonias, pine, andmanicured grass permeating the air.
“Why would yousay that?” He had taken her hand, his fingers linking hers whenshe tried to pull away. She was not accustomed to the constanttouching, but she had to admit even to herself that it was growing onher.
“She stares atme as if she wants to find out if I am after you for your money.”
They had reached thetennis court. Turning her to face him, he gave her a quizzical look.“Caitlin is a very protective big sister.”
“How old isshe?”
“So, she chosenot to get married.”
“You aretalking as if she is an old maid.”
Her eyebrowslifted.
“She isn’t!”
“I did not sayanything.”
“Darling, youhave a very expressive face. She is committed to the company.”
“And no doubttrying to prove to Mom that she can hack it like a guy. The cross wefemales have to bear.”
His eyes sizzled.“What cross are you bearing?”
“He is standingright in front of me.” She told him smugly. She squealed whenhe poked her in the stomach.
“That hurts.”
“So was thecomment you made.” Catching her around the waist, he broughther up against him. “Mother likes you a lot.”
“Makes up forthe fact that Caitlin thinks I am uncouth and barbaric.”
He gave her a painedlook. “She is naturally cautious.”
“Do you alwaysmake excuses for her?”
“She does notneed me to do any such thing. I like your family.”
“Mother is overthe moon and planning our wedding.”
“Which remindsme.” Letting go of her, he dipped into the pocket of his tantrousers and took out a black velvet box. “I was thinking ofdoing this at the dinner table but was unsure of your reaction.”