Page 68 of Cooper
“Opened yourthighs the minute I was under the table.” Even the memory of itwas making him hard. He had almost dislodged his brain by hitting hishead hard against the table when he realized she wasn’t wearingunderwear.
Kane and Kellyhad intercepted them when they were ready to leave. He was about tohurry them along when they said goodbye rudely. The trip to hisapartment had never seemed so long.
“Maybe.”She grinned at him. “You are a sex maniac.”
“Kindlyremember that next time.” He hauled her beside him. “Now,how about servicing this sex maniac again?”
“Fortunatelyfor you, I am in the mood.” She whispered against his mouth.
“My dear!”Sela held out both hands in greeting as soon as she entered theelegant manor's foyer. “It’s a pleasure to meet youformally.”
“Thanks. Youhave a lovely home.”
“I am sureCooper will give you the tour later on. This is my daughter,Caitlin.”
Brooke turned towardsthe woman, who was a pale shadow of her brother. Caitlin Rochesterwas angular, and her hair was a shade between ash blonde and sablebrown. Her eyes were her most attractive feature and were the sameshade as her brother’s.
“It’svery nice to meet you finally. I can see why my brother is sosmitten.”
“Is that theword for it?” Brooke mused as she took the woman’s handin a warm grip.
“It’smuch more than that. Hey, sis.” He greeted her with a kiss onthe cheek, and it was clear they were close.
“Mother andDwayne-”
“They are inthe yellow salon. We were waiting until your arrival to announcedinner.”
“I apologizefor the lateness, but I had to run out to see a patient,”Brooke told Sela.
“No apologiesnecessary,” Sela told her graciously, leading the way along thewide passageway into a lovely sunshine-yellow room with white antiquefurnishings. Her mother and brother were comfortably ensconced insoft leather sofas and sipping cocktails.
“Darling, thereyou are.” Marjorie’s eyes drifted swiftly over herdaughter’s petite fame, frowning slightly at the ensembleBrooke had picked out randomly. She had chosen to wearlavender-colored slacks with a thin peach silk blouse. Her braidswere pinned neatly on top of her head.
“Mother.”Brooke threw her a warning look, reading her expression perfectly.
“Darling, getBrooke a drink.”
Cooper guided herover to a butter-soft sofa overlooking the east side of the building,where the blaze of what looked like larkspur was blooming inprofusion.
“Mother doesnot serve beer,” he whispered as he handed her the glass ofwhite wine.
“Perhaps youshould buy some and leave them here.”
“Something tothink about.” He nipped at her ear before she could stop him.Turning her head, she blinked slightly when she saw Caitlin watchingthem, her face expressionless. Brooke felt uncomfortable that thewoman wondered if she was good enough for her precious brother.
“My dearBrooke, we have heard such good things about the clinic.”
“If Cooper toldyou the story, he is biased.” She responded, settling backagainst the sofa, doing her best to stop Cooper from curving his handaround her shoulder, with no success. She gave him a blazing lookthat did not faze him one bit.
“It’snot only Cooper,” Sela told her, watching the interplay betweenher son and the girl he was obviously in love with. They seemed tohave a rapport that made it plain that they were on one accord. Itdid funny things to her insides and brought her romance with herhusband rushing back.
“That entiredowntown area is known to be prone to violence from its residents.”
“Which is notentirely on them. I am not excusing the turf wars or the accumulationof drug dens, but people are products of their environment. The mayoris trying to beautify the area, but that will not make a greatdifference if the people are still the same.”
Sela smiled at herblunt way of speaking. She was perfect for Cooper, and he was happyhe had chosen so well.