Page 45 of Cooper
“Like hell youare.”
“Eitherwillingly on your part or me using force. You choose.”
Her eyes flashed.“You have been away for what? Two weeks and have the nerve tocome here bossing me around? You have some nerve.”
“Missed me,darling?”
“Like a sore onmy ass.” She muttered.
His chuckle warmedher heart, and she had to bite back the smile by lifting the cup andsipping the ginger tea.
“Finish thetea, and we will get you home.”
“Are you goingto play doctor?” She asked hoarsely, feeling her throat closingup.
“No need toplay.” He stared at her with a frown. Leaning forward, hepeered into her eyes and touched her forehead. “Christ! You areburning up.”
“It’s thetea-”
“Dammit, woman,how long have you been feeling ill?”
“That’snone of your damn business.” she croaked.
Hissing a breath, heeased off the desk and came around to pull her out of the chair. Shefought him on principle, but the energy was sucked out of her body,and she felt as weak as a kitten. Cooper sensed it, and without aword, he lifted her. He was more than a little concerned when shesimply snuggled against him and closed her eyes.
“New plan. I amtaking you to my place.”
“I am notgoing.”
“As if you havea say in it,” He told her grimly as he secured the alarm afterclosing the door. Keying in the alarm for his vehicle, he dumped herunceremoniously in the passenger seat and buckled her in before goingaround to the driver’s side.
Her head was lolledback against the chair, and her eyes were closed. The fact that shewas not her usual feisty self was a concern to him, and her pulse wasa little too faint for his comfort.
Backing out of thepark, he went to his place, checking on her every five minutes. Shewas still very hot and had not stirred much since he put her insidethe vehicle. Parking in his designated spot, he came around tounbuckle her belt.
“I don’tfeel well.” She whispered.
Cooper felt the loveand tenderness washing over him as he lifted her into his arms.
“You think?”Locking up the car, he strode with her toward the entrance and headedstraight to the elevator. As soon as he stepped inside, he headedstraight upstairs to his bedroom, where he laid her on the bed.
“Let’sget your clothes off.”
Her eyes popped openthen, and he had to smother a chuckle at the light in her eyes.
“You wantsex.”
“Eventually,but first, you have to get better. Pretend that I am a doctor.”
“You are funny.My throat is dry.”
“And your tempis through the roof. Any history of bronchitis?”
She nodded. “WhenI was a child. I am so tired.”
“The fever issapping every ounce of strength. We cannot rule out COVID.”
She shook her headand felt the pain piercing her brow, causing her to gasp.