Page 44 of Cooper
Brooke stared ather in surprise. “I never knew that.”
Marjorie shook herhead. “We never told anyone. I was so depressed that formonths, I could not function. Nothing he did worked. I was lockedaway in my little world, and he stopped trying after a while.
He started stayingout late, and even when he was home, he was distracted. I knew whatwas happening, but I did not care. Then we decided to try again, andI did not go anywhere this time. All I wanted was to carry my baby tofull term.”
She paused again andtook another sip of her drink.
“So, he wouldgo off on his business trips without me. I started hearing rumorsfrom friends, little hints here and there that he was seeing otherpeople.” Marjorie smiled sadly.
“But I did notcare; I did not allow it to bother me. I was pregnant, and it wasgoing remarkably well. He would accompany me to the appointments, andwhen he discovered we were having a son, he changed a little bit andtried to be the man I had married.
It lasted until afteryour brother was born, and then I went into depression. Postpartumdepression. I did not want to even look at him.”
“Your fatherhired a nanny, and it took me six months before I started playing mypart as a mother. I would not allow him into my bed until Dwayne wasalmost a year old. By that time, the damage was already done.”
“You could havegotten therapy.”
“I refused todo anything. Your father suggested it, but I did not listen. When Iwas pregnant with you, I was much better. I wanted to be a full-timemother, but I had driven my husband out of our bedroom.”
“Are youexcusing him-”
“No.” Sheshook her head. “I am blaming both of us. I mishandled themarriage. Your father was a very sexual being, and when we startedseeing each other, he told me that. The first year of our marriagewas one of sheer unbridled passion.
He made me feel likewe were on our honeymoon for the entire time. I was so caught up inmy little world that I had no idea that I was destroying my marriage.He loved me, you see, and I was the one who destroyed what we had.”
Brooke digested thisin silence. She could understand her father’s need to seeksolace and sex from outside the marriage, but she could not forgetwhat she had seen with her own eyes. He had disrespected their homeand his marriage bed by bringing other women into their space. Thatwas unforgivable.
“He broughtwomen home.” She reminded her mother.
“Yes.”Her smile was sad. “That was something I could not come toterms with. For the latter part of our marriage, I hated him for it.He slept with my so-called friends, another betrayal I could notaccept.
We fought bitterlythe week before he died, but thank God, we managed to work things outa few days after. We wasted so much time being at odds and missed outon what should have been a wonderful life together.” Reachingacross the table, she took Brooke’s hand in hers.
“Love is outthere waiting for you, darling. There is a man who will love you howyou deserve to be loved. When you find him, don’t make the samemistakes I made. I drove my husband out of our bed, and when he wentto other women, I behaved like the wronged wife.” She squeezedBrooke’s hand. “I was not innocent, not by a long shot.”
“Doc, you don’tlook so good.” Gloria stared at her in concern as she passed bythe office later that day. “I am not the one with the medicaltraining, but you look like you could use a cup of tea.”
“I will befine.” Brooke leaned her head back and closed her eyes. “Ijust need to stay here for a bit, and then I will be fine. How areyou doing?”
The woman beamed ather. “I have been given a second chance and will not forget it.The lovely Dr. Rochester has not been by for me to tell him a bigthank you. I am working a steady job and have a roof over my head. Icannot thank all of you enough.”
“Just doing ourpart. And you don’t have to feel you must be on your feet theentire time. Take a break now and then. And speaking of breaks, youare officially off duty. The clinic is empty.”
“I will make usboth a cup of tea and then retire.”
Before Brooke couldprotest further, Gloria was gone.
Maybe a cup of teawould work. The conversation with her mother was still playingrepeatedly inside her head. Was her mother to be blamed? Perhaps alittle, or more than a little. But she was not going to startexcusing what her father had done. He could have handled thesituation better.
Bringing women intotheir home had been inexcusable. Stirring herself when she heardfootsteps, she felt her breath quicken when she saw the man movingtoward the desk.
“I interceptedGloria and took this from her.” Placing the steaming cup of teain front of her, Cooper sat on the edge of the desk and peered at herclosely. “You look like hell.”
“Why, thankyou. Now go away.”
“Drink.”He nudged the cup toward her. “And afterward, I am going toexamine you.”