Page 19 of Cooper
Brooke felt theweariness invading her soul. She was not getting anywhere. She hadtreated the physical bruises but was stumped as far as the emotionalones were concerned. Lisa was still not listening to reason and shecould not force the woman to leave a life she had become accustomedto.
Her job as a doctordid not stop at just treating a wound or prescribing the necessarymedication; it went beyond that, and she could not help but care.
She had consideredgetting some women’s movement involved to come in and givetalks to these women who were battered and had the mindset that thekind of life they were living was acceptable, but she had not gottenaround to doing so yet. She had a feeling it was time.
“He loves me.”Lisa insisted, wiping her palms over the faded legs of her jeans.“It’s just that finding a job has been hard for him.”
“And in themeantime, he is using your body to alleviate his rage. Look,”Brooke reigned in the impatience and reminded herself to treadgently. She had other patients requiring her attention, but she hadto try at least to make the girl see reason. “I know you feelsome sort of loyalty-”
“He loves me.”She insisted.
“And I willpoint out that if someone loves you, they would never want to lay ahand on you.”
“I am not likeyou, doc.” She whispered. “I am not educated and from arich family. I lived in the projects and was knocked around by my oldman, who was a drunk. Mama was a junkie and did not know what wasgoing on most of the time. Marcus saved me from all that.”
“And is nowrepeating the cycle by abusing you.” She reached for the girl’shand. “I can help you to find a job-”
“Marcus doesnot want me to work.”
Brooke simply staredat her. “Why the hell not?”
Turning her headaway, Lisa stared at the peeling wall. “He is jealous.”
“So, he prefersyou to starve to death.”
“He is lookingfor a job.”
“How hard is helooking?”
“You don’tunderstand.” She repeated.
“Then make meunderstand. You are young and pretty and have your whole life aheadof you. The state offers programs to empower you and make your lifeeasier. Take advantage of what’s been offered. Go back toschool, get your GED, and continue.”
“Marcuswon’t let me.”
“It’s nothis choice. You are going to go back to the very man who put bruiseson you.” She looked up when Miranda came to the door.
“Little Bobbyis puking his guts out.”
“Where is Dr.Rochester?”
“Seeing adiabetic patient.”
“On my way.”Looking back at Lisa, she pressed her point. “I am here foryou; think about what I just said and get back to me, please.”
With a nod, Lisa rosegingerly to her feet, pressing her hand against her left side.
“Andcome and see me in a few days.”
Wishing she could sayand do more, Brooke left the room to see her other patients. Shecould not be forced if the woman did not want her help.
He was finding it apleasure just looking at her. The day she had zipped by with themtreating nearly fifty patients ranging from minor ailments tomultiple stabs and GSW. Some of the patients were resistant togetting involved with the police, and he had to admire how she dealtwith every one of them.
Nothing fazed her.She would be brutal in defending battered women against their spousesand be as gentle as a dove when dealing with a frightened child. Hewas concluding that Dr. Brooke Campbell was the most fascinatinglyintriguing woman he had ever met and, indeed, the hardest nut tocrack.
She did not speak tohim unless it pertained to a patient and avoided him at all costs.Now, he was invading her space. She was stretched full length on thenarrow cot in one of the examination rooms. Her comfortable crocswere kicked off, and her eyes closed.