Page 18 of Cooper
“I am startingto feel unwanted.”
Her steely look fromgolden brown eyes had him almost smiling. “The conference ranover.”
She was about to turnaway when there was a commotion at the front door.
“Bitch! I knowyou are here.”
“Just go oninto the examination room. We have a full house, as usual. I willdeal with it.”
Ignoring her, hewatched as the petite woman, wearing the burgundy scrubs, marchedpurposefully towards the large black man with tattoos all over hisarms and shoulders.
“Marcus, howmay I help you?”
“I know youhave Lisa in there, and I am not leaving without her.”
“Then you and Iare going to have a problem.”
He stared at her fora few seconds before grinning widely. “What are you going todo?
Did she come cryingto you, saying that I knocked her around?”
“She is soloyal to you that she is saying that she was mugged.” Brooke’seyes flashed. “Are you admitting to abusing her? That woman inthere is sporting a black eye and several broken ribs. I started tocall the cops, but she would not hear of it. Do you like knockingwomen around, Marcus?
Does it make you feellike a man? Is it compensating for your small…attitude?”The slur and the hesitation were not lost on the man, and Cooper tooka step toward them, only to be halted by Miranda.
“She willhandle it; just wait.”
“Bitch, whatare you saying just now?”
“It’s Dr.Bitch, and I am giving you exactly two seconds to get the hell out ofhere before I have Miranda call the cops and have you taken out inhandcuffs. Lisa might be too afraid of you to press charges, but I amnot. Now go.”
“I am notleaving without her.” The man started to move her out of theway, but she had anticipated that. In the blink of an eye or so itseemed to Cooper, who stood there frozen in shock, the tiny womanwith the untidy braids had her knee lodged in the man’s groin.
He toppled to theground, his hands gripping the injured part of him protectively. Hisbreath wheezed out as he stared up at her.
“You bitch.“He croaked. “You broke my balls.”
“I will do morethan that if you don’t leave.”
“I cannotmove.” He wheezed.
“Let me helpyou up.” Cooper finally managed to rise from the shock ofseeing the large man brought down by the petite woman. Extending ahand, he helped Marcus up and toward the doorway.
“Nice move.”Amber eyes were alight with amusement as he made his way back.
“We have workto do.” Without another word, Brooke turned and walked away.
“I told you shecould do it.” Miranda was openly laughing as she took a sip ofher tea.
“She issomething else, isn’t she?”
“She is themost unusual person I have ever met and the strongest, and you hadbetter get your ass in gear before she starts shouting for you.”
Flashing the woman asmile that left her dazed, he hurried away.