Page 84 of Brennan
She had complainedthat her nose had gotten bigger, but he did not see it. What he sawwas a woman so beautiful that it hurt his heart. The blue silk robewas slightly unbuttoned because she had not fed their son for toolong. And he loved her so much that he was overwhelmed by it.
“I cannot loseyou,” he told her thickly. “I would not bear it. Icannot-” Striding forward, he sat on the edge of the bed andtook her hand in his. “I cannot lose you.”
“I promise thatI will clear everything with you first.” She whispered, drawinghim down so that she could cradle him. “I should not have goneto the center, and I am so sorry, darling. But you have to talk to meand not order me around. It makes me crazy.”
Burying his face intoher neck, he gave into the emotions raging through his body.
“I love you somuch, my darling husband.” She stroked his thick hair slowly asshe held him against her. “I am here, baby, I am here.”
“You shouldcome to bed.” Her husband whispered, wrapping his arms aroundher waist.
“You have beenwatching our son sleep for half an hour.”
“Jeffry is agood name, isn’t it?” She whispered back, covering hishands with hers. “Jeffry Caleb Connelly. Good strong names.”
“Which onlytook us eight and a half months to come up with,” He saidteasingly as he stared down at his son, who was oblivious to what washappening around him.
“We wanted tobe sure. A name is significant.”
He kissed the topof her head and closed his eyes as he absorbed her scent of baby oiland crushed raspberries from her body wash.
“Come withme.”
“All right.”Leaning over, she touched his petal soft cheek lightly. “He hasyour nose and your chin.”
“How can youtell?”
“I am a mom.”She responded loftily. “And I can see what others can’t.”
“That’s acrock, and you know it.” He chuckled softly as he hoisted herinto his arms.
Wrapping her handsaround his neck, she snuggled against him. “I love this.”
“What? The factthat I am the one doing the lifting?” Turning out the lightuntil the glow of the night light in the shape of an elephant hit theroom, he left the door half open and headed out.
“Yes. We areokay, right?”
Settling her on thebed, he shrugged out of his robe and joined her. “More than.Why?”
“It’sjust that the last two weeks have been so trying, and I still thinkthere is some residual anger where you are concerned.”
Turning to face her,he tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, his touch lingering. “Justa mite.”
“I thinkit’s more than that, and I think we should talk about yourpast.”
“We havealready been down that road.”
“All of it?”She stared at him intently. “I want there to be completetransparency between us, darling. We are a team now, and I know youare scared about fatherhood without even saying it.” Shetouched his chin gently.
“Your motherhas been very forthcoming about the past, and she told me about yourgrandfather and how you are fearful that you will be like them.”
“There you haveit.” He started to turn away, but she would not let him.
“Here it isagain. If we do not get in front of it, there will be no peace foreither of us.”
“I have peaceright here.” He pointed to her.