Page 83 of Brennan
She walked over tohim. Taking his hands in hers, she met his eyes. “You are notlike him. I have seen you with that beautiful girl, and you changedmy mind about your choice without roping me into it. I have neverseen such complete and utter devotion between two people.
Right now, she needsthe man she loves more than anything else. I saw the look on her faceeach time her phone rang, or someone came through that doorway andthe disappointment when it wasn’t you. You are the only one shewants to see.”
“I am so damnangry with her.” He admitted wearily. “I love her witheverything inside me. I stood outside that center and felt as if mylife was ending. And then afterward, I watched her lying on thatpallet on the floor in the worst pain imaginable.
I felt helpless bothtimes. I could not save her, could not be in that place instead ofher, and then I could not bear her pain.”
“Darling-”Elizabeth felt the nerves twisting inside her belly. “You haveto know that none of this was on you. Do you, for one minute, thinkyour wife blames you for the pain she endured during childbirth? Sheloves you.
I was never in lovewith your father, and when I held you for the first time, I knew Iwould have gone through hell and back just to have that moment. Tohave you.” Lifting a hand, she touched the unshaven jaw andfelt her heart fluttering at the gaunt look on his face. “Go toher, darling, or you will regret it for the rest of your life.”
“You are here.”She searched his face as he came into the room. “I have beencalling you.”
“Yes. I know.”
“I had a peekat our son-”
“Where wereyou?”
Pulling up the chair,he sat, staring at her. “At the apartment.”
“Youdeliberately did not answer my calls.”
“My phone wason mute.”
“I see.”She plucked at the sheets. “Is this how it’s going to be?You go off and sulk because what? You are upset with me?”
“upset?”He laughed harshly. “That’s a tame word if ever there wasone.”
“Then what,Brennan? Are you going to lock me inside our bedroom?”
“Don’ttempt me,” He muttered. Leaning back in the chair, he combedhis fingers through his hair. “I love you.”
“You have anamusing way of showing it.”
“I was hoppingmad. Still am.”
“And I get it.You had to live that time all over again. I went against your wishesto the center-”
“You did.”
Her chin lifted. “Iam my own woman-”
“You are mywife and was heavily pregnant, I was exercising my rights-”
“As my wife, Iam entitled to give you an order-”
“Damn you, stopit!” She cried. “I am not your servant who you can justorder around. I am your wife, the mother of your child.”
He rose and pacedover to the window, his expression bleak. “I am not handlingthis well. I came here to apologize for not being with you, andinstead, I have started an argument.”
“Brennan, canyou come here, please?” She asked softly.
Turning, he looked ather, eyes wandering over her face. Either she or one of the nurseshad braided her heavy curls into a big plait at the side of her head.Her face was clean, her skin glowing from the pregnancy.