Page 81 of Brennan
She waited until thewomen had left and closed the door behind them. “Where ishe?”
“Like yourmother-in-law said, he went home to take a much-needed nap.”Kyle examined her and checked the vital signs, nodding approvingly.“If you keep this up, you can leave here in the next twodays.”
“He isupset.”
Pulling up the chair,Kyle straddled it, leaning forward with his hands around the back ofit. “He is still in shock. He stood outside that centernegotiating with a sick bastard who had a gun to his wife’shead. And he did so with complete and unusual calm.
He was willing togive the sick son of a bitch the ten million dollars to get you back,and he would have offered more. You were in there, and he was notcertain you would come out alive. I was there, and my heart was in mythroat. Put yourself in his shoes.”
Tears burned the backof her eyes. “And this is the second time. He told me to stayhome because I was close to my delivery date.”
“And youhad to have your way.”
“He will beangry with me for a long time.”
“He loves you,so he’ll come around.”
Chapter 16
He had not smokedsince he was in college and was under extreme stress. But the needfor it had come about, and he could not stop himself. After ensuringhis wife and son were all right, he returned to the apartment, wherehe sent the maid home after telling her that both mother and babywere okay.
Now, he was on hisbalcony smoking. The tobacco from the slim cheroot had a pleasingaroma that tickled his nostrils. He had contemplated completing theentire thing with a bottle of scotch, but he had to have his witsabout him.
He was pissed. Thebastard was dead, and yet here he was, wanting to tear his heart outfor daring to hold a gun on his wife. He was also pissed with her. Hehad specifically ordered her not to go to the center.
To just stay home andrest until it was time to deliver their son. She had done enough,gone through enough - what with the difficult first six months of thepregnancy and her running around with the damn charity.
But she had notlistened to him as usual and, for that, had almost lost her life. Hecould not face her now and was ignoring the calls from her and hismother.
He was going to haveto calm all the way down before he spoke to either of them,especially her.
Leaning against therail, he stared bleakly out at the swift running stream, the scent ofbegonias and roses lost on him.
He had gone into thenursery to check on things. She had spent hours repacking the tinyclothes inside the antique dresser. The designer had almost torn hishair out at her constant indecision. She had changed the color schemefive times before he was forced to step in and told her firmly thatit should be cerulean.
Lifting his head tothe sky, he blew smoke upwards, watching it dissipate intonothingness. He was a father. He was undoubtedly elated at having afamily, but now he could not escape the scare. Nor could he push pastthe anger that was burning inside his gut.
He had been calm whenhe started negotiating with that nutcase and would have emptied everycent of the corporate account as well as his account just to get herback safe and sound.
He was in love forthe first time in his life, and that magnitude made him aware of howvulnerable that made him. He was the sole heir to a multi-billiondollar industry, which means his family - his wife and son would besusceptible to threats - from people who think they could be a mealticket.
He had told her hewould restrict her comings and goings, but he did not mean it. Howcould he do that to her? After seeing what his mother had gonethrough with his father, he could never put her through that sort ofinsecurity.
Turning away from therailing, he walked over to the table and stubbed out the cigar. Hisphone pinged again, and with an impatient snort, he dragged it out.
“Mother, thisis not a good time.”
“Why? Wereyou sleeping?”
“About to.Look-”
“I am outsidethe apartment, darling, and am not leaving until I speak to you.”
Hanging up the phone,he swore furiously before stepping from the balcony. Pulling on arobe, he went downstairs to open the door.
“Darling, howare you?”
“Super.”Turning around, he led the way into the living room. “What doyou need?”