Page 80 of Brennan
“I want tosee her.”
“Of course.This way.”
“Yes?” Heturned at the door.
“Anything.”Brennan swallowed the lump inside his throat. “Whatever it is Ican do for you, nothing is too much-”
“She is like asister to me, so that’s unnecessary.”
“If you had notbeen there-”
“Let’snot think about that now. She is through here.”
Pushing the doorsopen, he stepped back so Brennan could go on. “Just sit withher. She might be out of it for the next few hours.”
“Thanks.”Pulling up a chair, he sat there staring at the love of his life fora few minutes before taking her hand. She looked so peaceful, herlashes making shadows on her smooth cheeks. “We will have avery long conversation about your willful ways, darling.”
He had to fight backthe emotions that were storming through his body. “This is thesecond time you are putting me through this, and I am not going tostand for it.”
He swallowed the golfball lump in his throat. “The first time was bad enough, but tostand outside that building knowing that a madman had a gun to yourhead and not being able to do anything about it was more than I couldbear.” Lifting her hand, he kissed the back of it, the warmthof her skin bringing the tears to his eyes.
“But you arehere, and you are alive, so I am inclined to forgive you, but nomore. Is that understood? I am tempted to tie you to me for the restof your life. Oh baby.” He whispered hoarsely. “My sweetdarling, I thought I had lost you.”
“You look likehell.” Her soft voice jarred him out of the slumber that hadclaimed him only for a few minutes. Lurching from the chair, he slidon his knees at the side of her bed.
“Whose fault isthat?” He asked huskily, eyes roving over her face.
“I guess it’smine.” Her hand lifted to cup his jaw, feeling the bristlesthere. “Our son?”
“Needing hismama.” Turning his head, he kissed her palm, closing his eyesbriefly.
“I want to seehim.”
“I could havelost you.”
“You are neverleaving my side again, and I don’t care about any charitablecause. You are staying inside the apartment where you will besafe.”
“I will go andget the doctors and ask the nurse to bring our son to you.”
Before she couldsay anything else, he strode from the room.
She was halflistening to her aunt and mother-in-law. Her son had taken to herbreast immediately as if there had been no lapse in the delivery atall or the fact that she had gone through surgery. Now, he was fedand ready to go back to sleep; still, her husband was missing.
“He has beenhere all day, so I urged him to go home, shower, and get something toeat.” his mother told her when she asked.
“I see. I am alittle tired now. Can you-”
“Of course, mydear. Ilene and I will examine the little treasure again before weleave.” Elizabeth squeezed her hand. “Thank God you areall right, my dear. Brennan was out of his mind with worry.”
“Kyle, stay.Please.”