Page 78 of Brennan
“I think thebaby is coming.” She whispered.
“And theambulance is ten minutes out.” Looking around, he startedissuing instructions.
“I need freshtowels and a basin or a bucket of water. This baby is not waiting.”
“What can Ido?” Brennan felt the fear settling inside his gut but wasdetermined to ignore it.
“Stay with her.Hold her hand; she needs your support. Talk her through thecontractions. Maddie, you are doing fine, darling. And I have to sayyou are the bravest woman I have ever known.” Kyle pressed downon her stomach to make his assessment. “You love theexcitement.”
“My husband ismad at me.” She tried to smile through the excruciating pain.It felt as if someone was holding several hot pokers to herextremities.
“We are notgoing to talk about that now.” Brennan’s smile wobbled ashe mopped at her damp forehead. “Just concentrate on yourbreathing.”
“Yes. Oh God!”Her scream almost had him dissolving in fear. Turning his head, hesought consolation from Kyle.
“It’sfine. Now, darling, I will ask you to lift and bend your legs at theknees. Brennan, go over to her head and raise her; yes, that’sit. We want to make you comfortable.”
“After this,you will tell me that you know everything there is to know aboutme.”
“Yep.”Kyle grinned at her quickly. “Now darling-” Using thewater, he washed his hands thoroughly and snapped on gloves. “Youare not going to push until you are told. No matter how much you feellike it. We want to avoid tearing.” He glanced at her husband,who was trying his best to act cool. “Hold her hands; she willwant to feel you.”
“I am here,baby. I am not going anywhere.”
“Move thosepeople back,” Kyle ordered.
“I was justallowed to come in,” Elizabeth said as she looked at the scene.
“On the way.”
“The baby willbe here before that. Okay, darling, you will push when I give theword.
Easy now.”
“It hurts.”She whispered.
“Almost over.Now push, not too hard, that’s it. Stop.” He examined heragain, a frown touching his brow.
“Somethingwrong?” Brennan asked him tersely.
“No, just aslight hitch.” He smiled at Madison. “Ready?”
“I need asecond.” She closed her eyes briefly and felt herself drifting.
“Not long now,darling. You can do it.”
“Madison,”Brennan kissed the top of her head. “I love you, my sweet.”
“You are justtrying to make up for the fact that I am the only one feeling this-Oh!”
“Push nowdarling, slowly - okay, easy. Ah! The hardest part is over. I havethe head.”
“I cannot dothis!”
“Yes, you can.”Getting on her knees, Elizabeth took the towel and wiped Madison’sbrow.