Page 77 of Brennan
“You cannotmean to give into that animal’s request.”
“Do you have abetter idea? If you do, I am all ears.”
“We continue tonegotiate and find a way to get a shot-”
“And riskshooting my wife in the process. I don’t think so.”
“You have toallow us to do our jobs.”
“I am nottaking any chances. If-” He turned at the sound of his name andsaw Kyle hurrying toward him.
“He is withme.” His authoritative voice rang out when the officersgestured the person back.
“It’s allover the news. What the hell is going on?”
“That bastardhas Madison at gunpoint. I want to rip his head off, and then I wantto take a belt to my wife for not listening to me, but first thingsfirst.”
“What doeshe want?”
“Tenmillion and a jet. I am in dialogue with my bank -” He lookedup to see his mother approaching. “You should not be here.”
“It’s myfault-”
“Let’sleave the blame game for another time. I just told our bank that Ineed ten million dollars.”
“And it’sgoing to take some time to get that amount of cash.”
“We can stallthe asshole-” He broke off when the sharpshooter called out.
“We have ashot.”
“Take it.”The captain told him grimly.
“My wife-”
“Mr. Connelly,please allow us to do our job.” Raising a hand, he gave thesignal.
“Move in now!”He ordered as soon as the shot rang out.
“My wife-”
“Please stayback. We have to assess the situation-”
“Not a chancein hell!” Before they could stop him, Brennan sprinted towardthe building where several officers were already inside. He got therein time to see her on the floor, and for one paralyzing minute, hethought she was dead until she started moaning.
“Madison! Weneed an ambulance. Madison,” Running over to her, he bent downand lifted her head into his lap. The cops were swarming around thedead man, several of them ushering the women and children out, but hedid not notice any of it. “Darling, are you hurt?”
“No.”She closed her eyes and hissed out a breath.
“The baby-”Gripping his hand, she squeezed down hard. “My water broke-OhGod!” Her scream rents the air.
“Where is thedamn ambulance?” He shouted. “Breathe, baby, justbreathe.”
“The pain-”She gripped his hand, fingers digging into his skin. “Kyle.”
“What have wehere?” He hunkered to check on her.