Page 65 of Man Spread (On A Manhunt )
“The producer,” Luke said. “And no.”
That was why we were here. To hopefully clinch the deal.
Mother smiled, but this one was patronizing as she set her hand on Luke’s forearm. “I put in a good word, just as we talked.” She gave him one more pat, then looked my way. Studied me with the same close scrutiny as ever. “Aspen, you’ve put on weight.”
Luke went rigid beside me.
“Yes, I find an appropriate body mass is better for my health,” I said, but even after all this time, I slid right back into the role of Disappointing Daughter. But I was stuck on what she said about Luke. She put in a good word for him when they– “You two talked?”
They spoke of him getting the part? When? Why?
He was eyeing my mother with a clenched jaw. “Yes. As she said, we met at a party.”
“Where someone almost died from eating seafood. To talk about your movie role.”
“I know the producer, of course,” Mother said, setting a hand on her chest as if giving herself a pat for knowing everyone. “He’s a big donor to my campaign.”
That’s why she was here. Money.
“As Derek said, we sat next to each other at dinner. It’s impossible to forget someone you bond with over a near death experience. Don’t worry, I’ll talk with him tonight and put in another good word. You’re so talented as that doctor on TV.”
Her gaze raked over him in a way that made me vomit a little in my mouth. She was eyeing him like he was a piece of meat she wanted to devour.
Or maybe the nausea was because Luke and my mother had met before. And talked about the movie. And… was he needing her help to close the deal?
“Thank you,” Luke said.
“You’re here with Aspen, why?” Mother asked, eyeing me like I’d snuck in with the catering help.
“We’re dating,” I told her.
She glanced between the two of us, her eyebrow going up, or it would have if it could move. “Well, well, Aspen, you’ve certainly set your sights high.”
I wanted to laugh. My father thought Luke was an out of work deadbeat and my mother thought he was a sugar daddy.
“Again,” she continued. “Whatever happened with Duncan Pounder? He was quite the catch.”
“Senator,” Luke began. It was my turn to set my hand on Luke’s arm.
Oh my God. My mother knew about Duncan. About our relationship. That I dumped him, although probably didn’t understand that it was his desire to connect with her that ended it. I was standing here with another man, and she tossed Duncan’s name out there. To embarrass me? To warn Luke?
Why wouldn’t she? She knew Luke. Made a connection for him with the film producer. And now he was trying to clinch the deal and she was here.
And so was he. With me.
Oh my God.
Was Luke using me, just like Duncan had?
Had he planned this? Found me in Hunter Valley, connected with me, got me to be his fake girlfriend so he’d have a better chance of meeting my mother again?
Was he using me, too?
I swallowed hard. “She’s right. I have set my sights high. I’m just a small-town yoga instructor. Why is it that you’re here with me?”
My heart was pounding, and I was about to lose my shit. Duncan was one thing. This was another. What was the saying, Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me?