Page 64 of Man Spread (On A Manhunt )
“Where?” Luke asked, eyes searching.
“The blonde with the crowd.”
I knew the second Luke saw her. His eyes widened.
“That’s… that’s your mother?”
Mother saw me and she stopped speaking for a moment. Then she smiled and excused herself from the group.
Shit, she was coming this way.
* * *
Holy shit. Aspen was Senator Bergstrom’s daughter? What the fuck?
It was obvious they looked alike. Similar tall and slim physiques. Same long blonde hair, although her mother’s was clearly dyed, but done well. She’d had work, although it was more subtle than most. Probably an eyelid lift. Definitely Botox based on the way she didn’t have one hint of reaction or emotion on her face as she came our way. Especially not for a woman who hadn’t seen her child in a decade.
She was in a crisp navy dress, a red scarf artfully arranged around her neck. She looked patriotic and professional, the perfect outward appearance of one of our nation’s representatives.
But I never, in a million years, would have ever imagined them to be related.
“Aspen, this is a surprise.” She stood before her daughter, hands clasped together in front of her. She was smiling at Aspen as if she needed her vote. Then she looked to me. “And with Derek Dashwood no less.”
* * *
Mother recognized Luke. Or him as Derek.
“Good to see you again, Senator,” Luke said.
Mother blinked, but her smile didn’t falter. She recognized Luke but didn’t remember meeting him.
“You two know each other?” I asked, probably giving my mother an out for being caught off guard.
“Yes, we met at a party a few months ago,” Luke said. “We sat next to each other at dinner.”
“Oh yes, that’s right,” Mother replied. “The woman across the table from us went into anaphylactic shock from the seafood.”
“I hope she’s doing well.”
“From what I heard from my producer, she is fine, although steering clear of any kind of shellfish.”
“Yes, Chris. You mentioned then you wanted the role. Has he made a decision yet?”
“Chris?” I asked.