Page 31 of Dark Horizon Eclipse of the Heart
He waved a hand. "This ship is full of my cousins, and even my mother might have something that you could borrow."
Her eyes widened, and her hand flew to her chest. "Your mother is here?"
"Of course. Why wouldn't she be? The whole idea behind this cruise was for us to gather in one place to attend the weddings."
"Are you related to some of the people getting married?"
The humans didn't know how large or small the clan was, and they also didn't know that most of them were related, and he wasn't supposed to reveal that.
In the grand scheme of things it was a small revelation, almost insignificant compared to all the things he normally needed to hide from his bed partners, so he wasn't too concerned about the slip-up, but that wasn't what was bothering him.
He realized that Marina meant more to him than just another bed partner.
You are in love with the notion of love, Kagra's words sounded in the back of his mind.
"Yeah. As I said, I have many cousins," he said, making the statement as general as he could. "Don't worry about my mother. She won't bother you. We are not very close."
Marina swallowed. "Now that I know your mother is here, I really don't think I should come as your date. I'm human."
As if her humanity was a newsflash to him.
"That's irrelevant. You're coming, and I don't want to hear another word about it." He took the phone she was still clutching. "I'll call myself from your phone so you will have my number, and I'll have yours."
"Do you even know how to use this ancient device?"
He smiled. "You forget that I'm not as young as I look. I've probably used every communication device ever invented."
Margo knocked on Jasmine's cabin door, and when there was no answer, she knocked again. "Maybe she's sleeping."
"Try the doorbell," Bridget suggested.
"If she's sleeping, I don't want to wake her up."
"I need to check on her." Bridget pressed the doorbell button.
When there was no answer, the doctor rang the bell again, and when that didn't get a response, she pulled out her phone and used the same application Margo had downloaded into her new phone earlier, but unlike hers, which could open only her and Frankie's cabin, it seemed like the doctor could enter any cabin she wished.
It made sense for her to have the ability. In fact, it would be great if paramedics could do that with people's door locks in life-threatening situations.
Margo pushed the door open and entered the empty cabin. The bed was made, and nothing looked out of place. It was as if Jaz had never been there.
"Jasmine is not here," she stated the obvious.
"Let's check the staff lounge and dining room." The doctor closed the door and started walking down the hall. "It's one deck down. We can use the stairs."
Margo fell into step with her. "I wish Toven had brought another phone like mine to give to Jasmine. He could have programmed it so she could call only me."
"That's a good idea." Bridget turned into the staircase. "The problem is that we might not have a spare one. We knew that you were joining the cruise, so we prepared one for you, but we didn't expect Jasmine."
"Who should I ask about it?"
Bridget gave her a curious sidelong glance. "I'll ask the guy in charge of communications for you."
Margo couldn't decipher that look. "Am I overstepping my boundaries?"