Page 30 of Dark Horizon Eclipse of the Heart
Marina was amazing, and it wasn't just the sex.
The memory of their time together on the Lido deck filled him with a sense of warmth and contentment, and he couldn't help but smile as he replayed their conversation in his mind.
She was so easy to be with, probably because he didn't need to be careful around her. He didn't need to hide his fangs or his glowing eyes or think about every word that left his mouth.
That had been one of the main things that had attracted him to Kagra, but things hadn't worked out between them, and not for lack of trying on his part. She just wasn't interested in anything long-term with him, and once her curiosity was sated, she moved on to the next guy.
Still, Marina was human, and she couldn't be more than a passing curiosity for him either, and what a damn shame that was.
She was a great playmate who enjoyed all the things that he did, and he hadn't had one of those in a long time. Kagra was the opposite of Marina, and it had been exciting to make the switch for a while, but Peter had to admit that he enjoyed himself much more with the human than with the Kra-ell.
As he entered the cabin, he was surprised to find the woman who had occupied his thoughts sitting on the couch in the living room with Jay seated on an armchair across from her.
Smart guy.
Peter wouldn't have liked him being any closer to her.
"Hi." Marina rose to her feet. "I wanted to talk to you, but I still don't have your number, so I couldn't call." She lifted her hand with an old-style tiny flip phone clutched in it. "Your roommate kindly let me in."
Jay cleared his throat. "I'll be in my room if you need me." He smiled at Marina. "It was nice to meet you." He ducked into the bedroom and closed the door.
For some reason, it felt suddenly awkward between them, and Peter didn't like it. Reaching for Marina, he wrapped his arm around her tiny waist and pulled her to him. "I missed you." He kissed her softly. "Did you miss me?"
She smiled at him. "I thought about you a lot. Does that count?"
He pouted. "Not the same, but I'll take it. Can I get you something to drink or eat?"
"No, thank you. I'm good. I just came to tell you that I can't accompany you to the wedding tonight. I have to work." She averted her eyes, a clear indication that she wasn't telling him the truth.
He could also smell the lie on her, and if it weren't intertwined with a smell of disappointment, he would have been angry. Something must have caused her to change her mind, but it wasn't work, and she wasn't happy about it.
Leaning closer to her ear, he whispered, "Liars get spanked. Is that what you want?"
The scent of sad lies was immediately overpowered by the scent of her arousal. "Yes, but that's not why I lied."
At least she was wise enough to admit it.
"Why did you lie? And which part was untrue? The bit about you having to work tonight or the one about not being able to accompany me to the wedding?"
She averted her gaze again. "The one about having to work. I can switch shifts if I want, but I really can't come to the wedding as a guest. I asked all my friends, and none of them brought evening attire to the cruise. I can't show up wearing my work clothes."
He leaned away and looked her over. She still had the same cropped top from this morning and a pair of fitted black jeans, and she looked beautiful.
"You are perfect as you are. I won't wear a tux either, so we will both be dressed casually."
She shook her head. "It's going to offend the bride and groom if you come to their ceremony wearing jeans. Besides, I'm not allowed in the dining room until after the ceremony, so we can't arrive together anyway."
He'd forgotten about that.
Kian didn't want the staff to be exposed to his mother even though they were under compulsion to keep quiet about what they saw on the ship, so they were not allowed in the dining room until the ceremony was over and she left. The human staff were also not allowed on the top deck where Annani, Kian and his sisters' cabins were. The Odus took care of cleaning that deck, and Annani dined in her cabin.
"I have to be there for the ceremony, but as soon as the doors open, I'll come out to get you."
"Please, Peter. I can't. It would have been awkward enough to be your date for the evening even if I had the fanciest gown, but it would be unbearable to come dressed in jeans."
"I'll get you a dress."
"From where?"