Page 9 of Dark Horizon New Dawn
Tightening the towel around her, she thought about the ship's delays and the inconsistencies in Frankie and Mia's stories explaining them.
She was sure that the delay was more than just a logistical hiccup, and her conspiracy theory brain was working overtime but coming up empty. Mostly, it hovered around clandestine meetings the enigmatic owners of Perfect Match might have been conducting with other reclusive billionaires. Perhaps the ship had been intercepted by a luxury yacht, and they were negotiating while in international waters because it provided some kind of an advantage.
"Sorry about that." Jasmine plopped down on the lounger next to Margo, startling her out of her reveries. "Alberto checks on me constantly." She let out a breath and smiled apologetically. "What's with men and irrational jealousy?"
Was she being apologetic for making the claim or for the irrational men?
"Women get jealous, too," Margo said. "They are just not as dangerous when their jealousy turns psychotic."
The wince on Jasmine's beautiful face was all the proof Margo needed to confirm her suspicion that the boyfriend was bad news.
"Yeah, tell me about it." Jasmine leaned closer. "I shouldn't have agreed to come here with him. He was so charming and attentive back in Los Angeles that I never suspected he could be—" Jasmine stopped and waved a dismissive hand. "Never mind. I don't want to be a downer. Let's get that drink. What's your poison?"
Margo wanted to find out what Jasmine had stopped herself from saying. She had a feeling that the missing word was abusive, but given that the woman was in a tiny bikini, signs of physical abuse would have been hard to hide.
Maybe she'd meant to say jealous? Possessive?
Those weren't good traits, and they could quickly turn abusive, but it didn't look like Jasmine was in any immediate danger.
"Passionfruit mule," she said. "Have you had one of those? They are delicious."
"Not yet." Jasmine lifted her empty glass to signal for the waiter to come. "I'm going to rectify that oversight now."
After Jasmine placed their orders, she carelessly plopped the huge hat back on her head even though the sun had set, and it was dark. Seeing Margo regarding her with a quizzical look, she took it off. "Sorry. It's a habit. It usually keeps guys from hitting on me."
Margo snorted. "I very much doubt that. The hat might hide your face but not your body, and you have a very good one."
"Thank you." Jasmine gave her a small smile. "So, where are you from?"
"Same place as you. Los Angeles. More precisely, I'm from Pasadena."
"Awesome. We should get together when we get home. When are you leaving?"
"In two days. But I'm not going home right away. I'm going on a cruise that will end at Long Beach."
The amber flakes in Jasmine's eyes seemed to swirl. "I'm curious. Do they check passports on cruise ships?"
"They do. I was told to bring mine, but I needed it to get here anyway. My friend, who boarded the ship in Long Beach, had to show hers before being allowed on board. Why do you ask?"
"Never mind." Jasmine smiled at the waiter who had returned with their drinks. "I was just curious. I've never been on a cruise before."
"I've changed my mind." Kian gestured for Kalugal to follow him. "Cigars first, and the Doomer's interrogation later."
The leader of the Doomers' Acapulco team was in the ship's brig, the same one that Igor had occupied not so long ago, and although Kian had intended to question him first and relax with a cigar later, he'd decided to reverse the order.
He and Kalugal needed to coordinate their line of questioning. Kalugal would have to ask the questions because he was the compeller, and Kian needed to tell him what to ask.
He was well aware that this was just an excuse to postpone an unpleasant task, but even though it wasn't his usual MO, he was cutting himself some slack for a change.
The cruise should have been about spending time with family and celebrating ten weddings. Instead, he was being forced to deal with the worst filth ever to mar the face of the Earth—vermin who rejoiced in causing pain and suffering—and consequently, he was consumed by rage instead of enjoying a well-earned vacation.
Kalugal grinned. "I'm delighted, cousin. Your cabin, I assume?"
Kian nodded. "Syssi is with Callie and her friends, and my mother has Allegra, so we can have the place to ourselves." He opened the door and motioned for Kalugal to enter. "Brundar might not want a bachelor party, but Callie wants to celebrate like all the other brides."