Page 10 of Dark Horizon New Dawn
"I know. Jacki was invited to her bachelorette party, which delighted her to no end." He cast Kian an accusing look. "She wasn't invited to your sisters' parties or Wonder's, and she was starting to feel like a pariah."
He was sure that Kalugal was exaggerating. Jacki was well loved and respected, and she knew that.
Then again, they had invited Carol, who was Jacki's de facto sister-in-law, so perhaps that was why she felt slighted.
"Your wife was a bridesmaid at my sisters' weddings." Kian poured two glasses of whiskey and handed one to his cousin before heading to the balcony.
Kalugal followed him out. "True, but she would have loved to be invited to their bachelorette parties too."
"You should have told me." Kian opened the cigar box and offered it to Kalugal. "I would have dropped a hint to Amanda." He sat on the lounger and cut the tip off his cigar.
He lit his cigar and waited until Kalugal had cut the tip off his before offering him the lighter.
"I'm sure it was just an oversight." Kalugal leaned back on the lounger. "It's not a big deal. Jacki will get over it."
"I'm sorry," Kian said. "I'm glad that Callie invited her. I didn't know that they were close."
"They are not." Kalugal closed his eyes briefly. "I wish all of our troubles were as trivial as this. I'm not looking forward to interrogating that scum. Now that it's over and I have already showered, I don't feel like getting dirty again." He lifted his hands. "Even if I only need to dirty these. Can't it wait until tomorrow?"
"I wish." Kian took a sip of his whiskey. "I wish we could kill him and be done with it, but we have to find out what he knows and, more importantly, what he reported back to the Brotherhood."
Kalugal nodded. "Perhaps you should get Toven to compel Bud."
Kian found it amusing that the Doomers' leader had chosen such a mundane name for himself. Surely, that wasn't what his poor mother had named him.
Not for the first time, Kian wondered about the Dormants who were used to breed Navuh's mercenary army. Did they support his efforts, or did they feel victimized?
The women didn't know that they could be turned immortal, and they were probably just as brainwashed as the sons they birthed. They were told to feel proud for being the means by which the Brotherhood grew, and most of them probably believed that.
"Toven is not the right person for the job." Kian took a sip of his whiskey. "Why would you suggest that?"
Kalugal lifted his hand. "I know what you're thinking, but this is not about me trying to wiggle out of something that I'm not looking forward to doing. Toven is just a stronger compeller."
Kian cast him an amused look. "You are strong enough for Bud, and you are familiar with how the Brotherhood operates. Toven would need much more coaching before he could question the Doomer."
"You are right." Kalugal released a breath. "My knowledge is rusty, though. Perhaps we should have Lokan listen in."
"That's a good idea. If Bud throws names around, Lokan will know who he is talking about."
"I'll text him and ask him to come over." Kalugal pulled out his phone.
Kian grimaced. "I promised your brother a pleasant vacation with the family. I hate that he risked coming here, and then I failed to deliver on my promise."
"I'm sure Lokan will be happy to help." Kalugal put the phone on the side table. "The one I'm worried about is Luis."
"The tour guide?"
Kalugal nodded. "I thralled the two guys we left alive to spread a rumor about him being related to the Colombian cartel boss, but now I think it was a mistake. What if someone decides to use him as a bargaining chip again? The guy and his family have been through enough because of us."
"It wasn't directly because of us." Kian took another puff of his cigar. "But you have a point. What do you want to do with him?"
"We've already left Acapulco, so I'm not sure what we can do at this point."
"We can do plenty." Kian pulled out his phone. "I can arrange plane tickets to Los Angeles for him and his family, and once they are there, we can get them new identities."
Kalugal nodded. "Thank you. That will ease my mind. Luis and his family need trauma counseling after what they have been through. Do you think Vanessa could take them on?"
Kian snorted. "Poor Vanessa has enough on her plate. But I'll ask her. Maybe the volunteers in the sanctuary can help."