Page 8 of Ignited
“What’s up, bitches?” He grinned at us. “I’m gasping for a drink. The flight from Milan was hellish, I tell you. All that turbulence.”
“I suppose I’ll have to repeat the words I just said to Nic,” I said, pressing a kiss to his cheek and receiving one in return. “It’s such a hard life you lead. Here, have mine. I’ll get another.”
“You’re a diamond, darling.”
“I know.” I blew him another kiss. “Where are Chike and Seth tonight? Weren’t they at the show with you?”
“Chike’s still in Milan. When I saw him backstage, he was inviting two of the Spanish models back to his hotel room, so I doubt we’ll hear from him until tomorrow at the earliest. As for Seth, the poor darling was wiped out after the show. They made him close. He wouldn’t stop shaking. But he smashed it, just like we said he would.”
“Good.” I made my way towards the bar, Niccolò still wrapped around my waist and Shay’s fingers clasped between mine. “I’ll text him, see how he is.”
“He’ll appreciate that.” Shay clicked his fingers at the bartender. We were regulars, so we were on first-name terms with most of the staff, and this particular bartender, Cole, also happened to be my housemate Elliot’s cousin. “Cole! JJ’s thirsty!”
Cole gave Shay an exaggerated salute. “One Sex Bomb coming right up.”
“Now, tell me, how’s my snail?” Drink taken care of, Shay propped a hand on his hip, giving me an expectant look.
“My snail, you mean. The snail you left with me when you jetted off to Thailand to dick down every available person in the space of two weeks like the fuckboy you are. If you’re nice, I might allow you visitation rights. Maybe.”
“Snails are so…slimy,” Niccolò interjected with a shudder. “I prefer cats.”
“Hmmm, is it because they’re cute and fluffy with sharp claws, just like you?” I arched a brow at him, and he pretended to growl, raking his pointed, glittering pink nails down my bare chest.
Cole slid the drink across the bar to me, and I tapped my card on the reader. “Thanks, babe.” He saluted me, and I lifted my drink in acknowledgement before wrapping my lips around the straw. Delicious.
When Cole had disappeared to serve other patrons, the three of us settled back against the bar, scanning the crowds. I was on the lookout for my preferred type—older, dark-haired, taller than me, with broad shoulders and a sharp jawline—but no one had caught my eye yet.
A face flashed through my mind, but I batted the thought away. He’d made it clear that a repeat was off the table, and honestly, it was for the best even if a repeat had been an option, with the fact that he worked at my university, and more importantly, he was Ander and Elliot’s lecturer. Things could get messy, and I didn’t do messy. I did fun, no strings, both parties aware of what was happening up front.
“JJ. You’re not listening to me, are you?” Niccolò tugged on my arm.
Damn Dr. Wilder for invading my thoughts again, just when I’d decided to forget about him. “Sorry, babe. What did you say?”
“I said your friends are here.”
“JJ!” A hand waved in my face, and I turned to see Ander and Elliot standing in front of me.
“You made it.” I grinned at them both and then took in Ander’s shimmery red shorts with a frown. “You raided my wardrobe again, didn’t you?”
Ander shrugged. “Hey, I just wanted to join your hot boy clone club.” He nodded his head towards Niccolò and Shay. I glanced at them and then looked down at myself. Maybe he had a point since, yes, we were all dressed in some variation of booty shorts. As usual.
“The club’s very exclusive, but I suppose we can let you in. Elliot, wanna join, too?”
Elliot bit down on his lip, shaking his head as he unsuccessfully tried to hide an amused smile. “I’ll leave that to you, and I’ll enjoy the view—” His gaze flicked to Ander’s. “—of my boyfriend.”
“Good idea.” Ander dropped a kiss on the tip of his nose. They really were so cute together. He glanced back at me. “Thanks for doing me that favour earlier, by the way. How did it go?”
Disentangling myself from Niccolò and Shay, I made my way to the far corner of the bar, followed by my housemates, where there was slightly more breathing room and I could talk to them without raising my voice too much. “It was…fine. He didn’t say anything about it.”
Ander’s brows rose. “That doesn’t sound like Dr. Wilder.”
That was because I’d lost my head and practically thrown myself at him, and he’d unsurprisingly reacted badly, as blindsided by seeing me as I was him. “No, he seemed a bit distracted.” By me.
“Good. That’s good. I owe you one.”
“Anytime. He’s…he’s good-looking, isn’t he?” I said cautiously. It was dangerous to say too much because both Ander and Elliot were well aware of my preference for older guys.
“JJ. Don’t even think about it. That man is an asshole.”