Page 7 of Ignited
“Are you okay?”
“Of course I’m fucking not!” My fist slammed down on the desk, making him flinch, and his eyes widened even further. He recovered quickly, though, narrowing his gaze at me.
“I’m not one of your students, so you can drop the attitude, Dr. Wilder.”
“What. The fuck. Are you doing here?” I bit out between clenched teeth.
He whipped his glasses off, tugging a case from his pocket and placing them inside, and then came around the desk, stopping right in front of my chair. As I spun to face him, his glare disappeared, and he leaned back against the edge of my desk like he had every right to be in my office, staring down at me with an arched brow.
“Do you have a problem with me being here? Because the last time I saw you, you seemed to enjoy my company. Very much,” he purred.
“No.” This was not happening.
“No, you don’t have a problem?”
“No, I don’t want you here. No. This is not happening.”
“Okay, okay.” He leaned forwards, planting his hands on the arms of my chair. “No need to be like that. I think it’s time we were introduced, don’t you? I’m JJ. Housemate of Ander and Elliot, two of your students.”
What? I stared at him, horrified. “Housemate? You’re a student here? How old are you? What the fuck were you doing at the club?”
Leaning even closer, his face inches from mine, he smiled. There was no humour in it. “Yes. Housemate. I am, in fact, a student here, but what I study isn’t up for discussion. And to answer your other questions, none of your business, and I work there, okay?”
“It’s my fucking business when I’ve had my cock inside you,” I ground out.
His gaze heated, and he shifted forwards, almost in my lap at this point. I stilled underneath him, my dick overriding my consternation, thickening in my trousers. My heart was pounding out of my chest as he leaned even closer. “Mmm. That was an unforgettable night. I don’t often do repeats, but I would with you.”
A repeat. With a student, who was most likely in his second year if he was living with two of my second-year students. Absolutely not. Never. Ever.
“Get. The fuck. Out. Now.” Placing my hand on his chest, I launched my chair backwards, the wheels squeaking on the thin carpet tiles, and he lost his balance, collapsing to the floor with a cry. “Out,” I repeated, my voice a low growl.
Climbing to his feet, he dusted himself off, shooting me a savage glare. “Bastard. There’s no need to resort to violence. You really are as much of an asshole as they say, aren’t you?”
“Oh, no. I’m not.” Baring my teeth at him in a cold smile, I jabbed my finger towards the door. “I’m worse. Now, fucking get out of my office.”
Whirling around, he stormed across the room, yanked the door open, and slammed it hard enough to make the hinges rattle.
Almost as soon as he’d left, remorse hit me.
Shifting my chair back into place, I folded my arms across the table and dropped my head with a groan. That couldn’t have gone any worse. Yes, I’d been blindsided when he entered my office, but I’d handled our entire encounter so badly. He didn’t deserve my ire, and I never should have laid a hand on him. There was no excuse for that. And that night in the club, I’d been just as much of an active participant as him, and I hadn’t bothered to stop to ask him pertinent questions like, “Are you a student at my university?” I’d been caught up in the moment, and I hadn’t wanted to stop.
The opening bars of the Seamus Haji remix of Booty Luv’s “Boogie 2Nite” blasted through the speakers to the sound of cheers echoing around the club’s interior. Niccolò grabbed me around the waist, pulling me into him, his sweat-slicked torso pressing up against mine as he stood up on tiptoes to shout into my ear.
“Has anyone caught your eye yet?”
Good question. My nights at Revolve were the best—hanging out at my favourite gay club in London, dancing with my friends, all of us wearing whatever the fuck we wanted because no one cared or judged us, whatever our body types were. Saying that…more often than not, I ended up in booty shorts, which also happened to be my usual work attire at Sanctuary, but hey—I looked good, so why the fuck not show my body off? No—it wasn’t even about that. Everyone should wear whatever the fuck they wanted, and who cared what anyone else thought? Your body was your body, and no one else should get a say in what you did with it.
Okay…calm down, JJ. I glanced down at my friend, shaking my head as I tuned back in to the conversation. “Not yet. You?”
He sighed, his glittery pink lips curving into a pout. “Not tonight. I’m on hiatus. I’m filming all day tomorrow.”
“Poor baby.” I smirked. “It’s such a hard life you lead. Your sacrifice will be worth it, though.”
“Shay!” Niccolò screeched in my ear, his attention diverted by something to my left. I turned to see our friend strutting towards us like he was still on the runway.