Page 38 of Ignited
“I don’t like the thought of you taking on too much,” I muttered, pulling him into my arms.
He sighed against me. “You’re one to talk, with your staying late at work and forgetting to eat. What about a compromise? You can come to the club. Stay for a bit—not the whole night, because you need your sleep. See that I’m coping just fine.”
Go to a nightclub on a weeknight when I had a full day of lectures the following day?
It should have been an easy no, but instead, I found myself saying yes.
“Killian Wilder. Principal business lecturer at London Southwark University.”
My gaze flew from the whisky glass gathering condensation on the booth table to the suited man who stood in front of me, studying me intently. Tall, dark-haired, green-eyed, probably mid-twenties, extremely good-looking—but not even close to my type—he scrutinised me just as closely, one brow raised.
“Sorry, who are you?”
He held out his hand. “Austin De Witt. JJ’s boss.”
Austin De Witt. Gage had told me about him—it was thanks to his old school connection with Austin that we’d been admitted to the VIP area that first night when I’d met JJ. He was part owner and the manager of Sanctuary, and he worked closely with a man named Credence Pope, whom I knew from the grapevine was a very powerful man with connections that most people could only dream of.
In short, Austin De Witt was someone you didn’t want to get on the wrong side of.
Clearing my throat, I shook his hand briskly. “Good to meet you.”
“JJ’s one of my most popular members of staff,” he said. “Bear that in mind.”
Then he turned on his heel and strode away, shoving his hands in his pockets in a display that screamed of casual power. This was a man who was used to being in charge. A man who wouldn’t hesitate to fuck someone over if they wronged him. I knew that in my bones.
Strangely, it helped me relax a little. If JJ had someone like that looking out for him, I knew he wouldn’t come to any harm or overwork himself while he was here.
A spotlight clicked on over the pole my booth was facing, and I sat forwards, both Austin and my whisky forgotten. When the first notes sounded and I realised it was the same song that had been played in JJ’s dance class, my jaw dropped.
But this was nothing like his dance class.
This was one hundred percent. Pure. Fucking. Sex.
JJ was dressed in silver booty shorts and nothing else, writhing on the pole, his toned, oiled, glittering body curving around the metal cylinder like it was an extension of him. My mouth was dry, and my heart was pounding so hard I felt lightheaded.
Fucking hell.
This man.
Twenty fucking years old, and he made my cock as hard as stone and my heart race like no one else ever had before.
Twenty years old. A student at the university I taught at. Someone I should never have even seen in a sexual way, and yet I had, and from the first moment I’d seen him, I’d wanted him so badly.
And oh, how I wanted him still.
He curved one of his calves around the pole, hanging upside down, and then straightened his legs, sliding down the pole. So fucking sexy. I prided myself on my control, but right then, I felt like I was going to come in my fucking pants like a teenager just from watching him. He was better than any porn, turned me on more than anyone or anything I’d seen in my life.
“What am I supposed to do?” I whispered, my words hidden by the sultry beat of the music he was dancing to.
There was no answer.
“Austin’s gone home. No one will know.” JJ tugged me through the door that led to the staff areas, the door I wasn’t supposed to go through. As usual, my brain was scrambled around him, and I allowed myself to be led into the off-limits area. JJ glanced back at me, his eyes sparkling, the blues popping against the shimmering black liner.
“Kill. Don’t worry. I wouldn’t bring you back here if there was an issue.”
My brows rose against my will, and JJ shook his head, huffing out a breath.