Page 37 of Ignited
Clapping his hands together, he addressed the group. “Alright! Let’s run through it from the beginning.” Shortly afterwards, music sounded from the speakers, and the group began to dance. I watched, mesmerised. They were completely in sync, concentration on their faces as they moved, swept up in the music. JJ was caught up in the dance, completely focused on his students and occasionally calling out instructions, and as I watched, I realised why he’d wanted me to see this.
My sunshine boy was a teacher, like I was. He had students who wanted to learn from him.
And he was very, very good at what he did.
When he noticed me, a wide smile curved over his lips, although he tried to bite it back. His attention was quickly stolen by his students, though, and I rested against the cool breeze blocks that made up the side wall, my arms folded across my chest, watching him work. He seemed to have endless patience and words of encouragement for everyone.
The opposite of the way I taught. Perhaps he’d been right. I was a teacher, but I still needed to learn. I couldn’t adopt his teaching style—it was almost the antithesis of mine—but maybe I could attempt a more encouraging method with my students.
The class eventually came to an end, the teenagers trailing out of the door in a slow trickle, most stopping to speak to JJ before they left. I noticed that every single one of them had a smile on their faces.
Finally, we were alone. I stepped into the centre of the room, catching JJ around the wrist as he walked past me in the direction of the dock where he’d placed his phone.
“Not so fast,” I murmured, pulling him into me. Before he could respond, I gripped his throat and lowered my head, my mouth meeting his.
He melted against me, wrapping his arms around my shoulders, his tongue sliding against mine as he deepened the kiss. When we broke apart, he gave me a soft smile.
“Hello, Dr. Wilder. What did you think of my dance class?”
“You were amazing,” I said truthfully.
A flush bloomed on his cheeks, and I had to kiss him again. This time, when we drew apart, both of us were breathing heavily, and my dick was tenting my trousers. With his parted lips glistening from our kisses, he stared at me with darkened eyes, so fucking gorgeous, flushed and aroused.
I took a step back from him, for my own sanity as well as his. I couldn’t let us get carried away, not here. Rubbing my hand over my jaw, I cleared my throat. “Show me your dance.”
“My dance?”
“Mmm. The one you’re working on for your showcase.”
His eyes flew to mine, widening. “My individual one?”
“Yes.” He’d spoken at length about it to me, and I’d found myself invested in his passion and fire, and, well, if I were honest with myself, I wanted to know everything that was important to him.
The surprise melted away, replaced with that sexy confidence he had in spades. “Go and sit over there.” He pointed towards the single row of chairs on either side of the door. “I haven’t finished choreographing it yet, but I’ll give you a preview of the part of it I’ve been working on this week.” By the time I’d taken a seat, he was in position, poised, ready for the song to begin.
The first notes sounded, and he moved.
Moved like no one else I’d ever seen before. I’d seen him dancing with Alyssa and Leo, I’d seen him dancing on a pole, I’d had an up close and personal view of him dancing on me, and I’d been blown away each and every time. But this…this was another level. This man in front of me was so fucking talented it took my breath away.
I watched, completely captivated, unable to tear my eyes from him until the dance finished. When he came to a stop, his chest rising and falling rapidly, I rose to my feet and strode towards him, capturing his lips with mine.
“Come home with me.”
He shook his head. “I can’t. I’ve got a shift at Sanctuary tonight.”
“And you have uni tomorrow morning?”
“Yeah. That’s where my sweet, sweet coffee comes in handy.”
Irrational anger burned inside me. “You need to slow down. Take care of yourself.”
Another shake of his head. “No, I don’t. I’m fine, Killian. I’m not taking on more than I can handle. You have to trust me.”
My jaw clenched as I stared at him. I didn’t like this. I knew he took on a lot, what with his degree, working at Sanctuary, and his commitment to his grandma, not to mention his social life. It already seemed like a huge load for him to bear, and I hadn’t even known about this dance class until today.
“Don’t give me that look. Please. I’m fine, I promise. If it was too much, I’d slow down.”