Page 30 of Forbidden Professor
“You know, when I said I wanted a drink, this was not exactly what I had in mind, but I will take it.”
I smiled as I sipped my own beverage and nodded.
“It’s not bad, is it?” I asked.
The sun beat down on us from high above, and I felt every muscle in my body relaxing in the heat. It was delightful in a way that I hadn’t really experienced in a long time. For much of my adult life, my idea of relaxation was either going out on a ride with one of the horses or taking a shower, curling up on my bed, putting on Die Hard, and falling asleep with half a slice of pizza in my mouth.
But this, this was fantastic.
The fruity drink in my long, curvy cup most certainly had alcohol in it. Probably several different kinds. I had no idea what, or how much of the total drink was liquor and how much was juice. I didn’t particularly care. It was delicious and cold and had a little umbrella in it.
Around us on the beach there was a mishmash of different types of folks. The hotel we’d chosen wasn’t one of the raucous ones that all the teenagers chose, and the beach outside of ours was meant for more of a family atmosphere. The party, however, could be heard from down the beach, and all it took was peering down to see the insanity.
Music floated over from where the kids were, a sea of thong bathing suits and tribal tattoos. It seemed like kind of a nightmare, and yet at the same time, I was determined to spend some time in it, checking off that particular item from my bucket list. I just had to convince Kristen.
“Not bad,” she said, pulling the straw hat I bought her earlier in the day down over her face. “I think I could do this all day.”
“I don’t doubt that,” I said. “Me too, probably. However, we have plans.”
She groaned, and a part of my body responded in a way that made me shift a little on the blanket to hide it.
“Do we have to?” she asked.
“It’ll be fun,” I said.
“What, exactly, will be fun?” she asked.
“Well, for one, keg stands.”
She lifted her hat and settled a critical eye on me over the rim of her sunglasses.
“Keg stands?” she asked.
“You know, standing upside down on a keg, drinking beer?”
“Have you ever done a keg stand?” she asked.
“No,” I said. “That’s why I want to do one now. College experience. Come on.”
“How do you even know there will be a keg stand for you to try?” she asked. “Do you have some mystical itinerary of what all the college children are going to be doing?”
“Listen to you,” I said. “These kids are probably only eight years younger than you. You act like they are going to think you belong in a home.”
“They probably will,” she said, laughing.
“Looking like you do, in that bikini? I doubt it,” I said.
She screwed up her face and shook her head.
“I appreciate the sentiment,” she said, her voice deadpan.
“Seriously,” I said, meaning every word I was saying, “there is not one person here that is better looking to me than you. Hands down.”
A little grin pressed a cheek up, and I took the last sip of the cup before setting it down on our towel.
“What are you doing?” she asked.
“Getting a dip in the water,” I said. “And then, we are going to find a keg to headstand on.”