Page 29 of Forbidden Professor
I beamed as the waitress interrupted us to take our order. I opted for one of their specialties, a turkey sandwich with a ton of extra stuff, and Camden copied me.
We continued to chat about some of the ideas I had for private lesson plans and other options that I might pursue, and he nodded along, offering suggestions occasionally, but usually they were ones I had already thought of.
“I’m just glad it’s almost break,” I said. “I will have a chance to just sit back, relax a bit, and get caught up on some of these new modified lesson plans.”
“No, you won’t,” Camden said, casually munching on one of the last few bites of his sandwich.
“Excuse me?” I asked.
“You are not going to have a whole bunch of time to catch up on work during break,” he said, absent-mindedly picking up a potato chip and swirling it in some of the honey mustard that had spilled onto the plate from his sandwich and then popping it into his mouth.
“And why is that?” I asked.
“Because we are going on a trip,” he said simply.
“Um, what?”
“We,” he said, taking a big sip of his soda, “are going on a trip. Parties. Beach. Woo.”
He did a little twirl with one of his fingers and picked up another of the chips, all without making eye contact with me.
“I’m not so sure this is a great time for that. I do have some work I could catch up on, and it would be advantageous for me to get it done while there wasn’t another class.”
“Boo,” he said, interrupting me with an exaggerated thumbs down. It was such a different kind of reaction from him that I laughed loudly in surprise. “All of that sounds terrible,” he said.
“Well, terrible or not, it’s what I’ve been planning,” I said, still laughing.
“No, we are going on a trip. You know how I know?”
“Because I already made all the reservations.”
“You did what?” I asked.
He simply nodded and took a sip of his drink, widening his eyes and waggling his eyebrows in such a funny way that I broke out in laughter again.
“You should get your hearing checked,” he joked. “I think all that editing with the headphones on is doing some permanent damage.”
“Hush,” I said. “What was that about making reservations?”
“I don’t want to tell you much more than that,” he said. “It will be more fun that way. Just trust me.” There was a moment where the joking stopped, and he looked deep into my eyes and I could see that this meant something to him.
I sighed, the smile returning to my face again as he grinned at me in the way that I knew I wasn’t going to be able to resist him. I was a sucker for that grin.
“Fine,” I said. “But I reserve the right to opt out of any situation with zero notice if I feel like we are being too weird.”
“I can agree to those terms,” he said, his smile stretching from ear to ear. “Now, before we go, I heard they have an absolutely awesome carrot cake here.”
“You still have room for more?” I asked.
“One thing you should know about me, Kristen,” he said, as serious as a heart attack, “is that there is always, always room for carrot cake.”
“Fair enough.”