Page 137 of My Dark Desire (Dark Prince Road)
Ollie vB:
Gloria and I spent a lovely weekend together before she retired to Florida.
Ollie vB:
The woman invented Kegels. King Arthur wouldn’t be able to pull me out of her.
Zach Sun left the chat.
Ollie vBadded Zach Sun to the chat.
Zach Sun:
There are prisons easier to escape than this group chat.
Ollie vB:
Anyway, who is the unlucky woman?
Romeo Costa:
Probably a thrice Nobel Prized STEM nerd.
Ollie vB:
You’re off.
Ollie vB:
My chips are on the new maid.
Romeo Costa:
The one who annihilated him at Go?
Zach Sun:
For the last time, she did not annihilate me at Go.
Zach Sun:
We’re still playing.
Ollie vB:
And a very fun game at that.
Ollie vB:
Why wasn’t I invited?
Zach Sun:
You don’t play Go.
Ollie vB: