Page 136 of My Dark Desire (Dark Prince Road)
Ollie vB:
McGrew’s son walked in. Watched the whole thing. He narc’d that it was one of us three.
Ollie vB:
They naturally pointed the finger at me.
Zach Sun:
How do you know it’s not Romeo?
Ollie vB:
The woman he fucked wasn’t heavily pregnant and hugging a bucket of KFC.
Zach Sun:
Maybe Romeo decided to sample a disposable mistress.
Romeo Costa:
@ZachSun, please, don’t make me help him kill you.
Romeo Costa:
I have enough on my fucking conscience.
Zach Sun:
I’ll get you your membership back.
Ollie vB:
You better.
Ollie vB:
The women’s tennis team is about to accept twenty new members.
Ollie vB:
This was going to be my pet project for the year.
Romeo Costa:
Ollie vB:
…died for my sins, so I might as well make them worth his while, right?
Romeo Costa:
What happened to senior bingo night?
Zach Sun:
Don’t tell me…