Page 111 of The Nightmare in Him
She blinked. “Where did that question come from?”
“I meant to ask you earlier, but then you started stripping off your clothes and I got distracted.”
She snickered. “To answer your question, no. I’m their Priestess, not their keeper. I’d never make such a decision for someone other than me.”
“I know that. But if you aren’t planning to make the same deal, you’d be the only member of the coven who didn’t become immortal. I don’t want you to feel that I’m stealing them from you.”
But did he hope that it would spur her into making the same deal with him? Yes, he absolutely did. Cain had no compunction about using them to get what he wanted from Wynter. He was wholly selfish where she was concerned.
“I don’t feel like that at all,” she told him.
“But as you said, you’re their Priestess. If I fully owned their souls, I would effectively usurp you—they’d only truly answer to me from then on.”
Her brows inched up. “Huh. I never actually thought of that, but it doesn’t matter. I know you wouldn’t abuse that authority.”
He sifted her hair through his fingers. “Such faith in me.”
“I’m not under any illusions about you. I know you’re unabashedly ruthless, mentally sadistic, and mostly self-focused. But there are lines you would never cross. And taking advantage of people who are important to me—family to me, even—is something you wouldn’t do, because it would mean you’d be betraying my trust in you.”
Warmth spread through his chest. “You’re right, I’d never betray your trust. And I do understand that they are family to you. Which is why I will release their souls to be reborn if they die.”
Wynter swallowed, visibly touched. “Thank you.” She scooted a little closer to him. “I was surprised by how keen they were to give up their mortality. I expected them to have at least some reservations. And, given Anabel’s overly anxious nature, I thought she’d attempt to talk me out of agreeing to your request. Instead, she told me I was making it more complicated than it needed to be. And I realized she was right.”
Cain tensed at the latter comment, hope flickering to life in his belly. His creature slid just beneath his skin, eager to hear more.
“Like she said,” Wynter went on, “the situation all boils down to one thing—either I want eternity with you or I don’t. Which I do. The price is a whopper for sure.” She smoothed a hand up his chest to rest it over his heart. “But it’s one I’m prepared to pay. You’re worth it.”
“You’ll do it?” he asked, a gravelly edge to his voice. “You’ll sell me your soul in exchange for immortality?”
She licked her lips. “I will.”
Relief and satisfaction gusted through him like a scorching hot wind. She’d agreed. She would stay with him. He’d never have to know how it would feel to lose her.
Cain palmed the back of her head and took her mouth. The kiss was soft and slow and hungry, sealing their agreement. His creature rumbled a sound of smug contentment and settled down.
Cain broke the kiss, determination snaking through him. “Let’s get it done.”
Her brows flew up. “What, right now?”
He sat upright, gesturing for her to do the same. “I’m not taking the risk that you’ll change your mind.”
Her mouth bowed up. “I don’t foresee that happening, but all right.” She obligingly sat up and fully faced him, her legs crossed lotus-style.
Throughout his existence, he’d sat opposite an endless amount of people while making offers for souls until—just as she’d once accused—it had become a mundane part of his life. He did it as casually as one might make a mug of coffee. Never had making a proposition caused his pulse to kick up and his entire system to throb with anticipation.
When he’d bought Seth’s soul, it had indeed been personal. It had mattered. But not like this. Not to the extent that Cain needed someone’s agreement as much as he needed air to breathe.
Anxious to get this done so there’d be no going back, he pinned her gaze with his and said, “Here are the terms. You will surrender full rights to your soul to me, owe me your loyalty, and forever be in my service. In exchange, I will grant you immortality, protection, shelter, and agree to release your soul to be reborn if you die.” He held out his hand. “Do we have a deal?”
Completely sure of her decision, Wynter reached out and shook his hand without hesitation. “Yes, we have a deal.”
Triumph gleamed in Cain’s eyes. “Then it now belongs to me.”
A warm, binding power brushed over and swirled around their joined hands. Wynter swiped her tongue over her lower lip, her stomach fluttering. Like when she made her first deal with Cain, she felt a strange shifting sensation in her chest. But it was more intense this time, like a hand splayed on her solar plexus and gave her a hard shove . . . but inside, where it didn’t affect her physically. More, the brand on her palm heated and stung, as if it was pressing deeper into her flesh.
A gasp was wrenched out of her as white-hot pain reverberated up her spine, snapping her back straight. Oh, fuck. That unbearable pain spread, drumming through her body, making her blood feel so hot she thought the vessels might burst. “Fuck, what’s happening?”
“Shh, you’re okay,” said Cain, gathering her onto his lap and holding her close. “Immortality is settling into your cells. It’ll take a few minutes.”