Page 110 of The Nightmare in Him
Ignoring the amused smile Cain wore, Wynter told her, “It’s not something you need to know.”
“On the contrary, it’s best that I do,” Hattie countered. “I’ll feel like a fool if George suggests it and I have no clue what he means.”
“I doubt it’s something he’d want to do to you,” wagered Anabel.
The old woman patted the back of her hair. “I think you’d be surprised by half the things he’s expressed a wish to try, particularly—”
“I don’t need to hear it,” said Delilah, slamming up a hand.
Hattie huffed and then slid her gaze to Cain. “Do you know what raw—?”
“Don’t be dragging him into these weird-ass conversations,” Wynter told her.
“But I hate guessing,” said Hattie. “Is it when doggy-style sex gets very rough?”
“Yes,” replied Xavier.
Anabel whacked his chest. “You’re a grade A idiot, you know that?”
Chuckling, Xavier leaned toward Hattie. “You’ve heard of lube, right?”
“Of course,” the old woman replied. “I use it a lot. At my age, you don’t produce much natural—”
“All right, well, people use lube a lot for anal sex,” said Xavier. “But sometimes they don’t, which is when it’s referred to as raw-dogging.”
“Oh,” Hattie breathed. “That makes sense. I don’t know why they can’t just call it lube-less anal fun or something. It would be far less confusing.”
Wynter briefly let her eyes fall closed. She wasn’t sure what it said about her that she actually looked forward to spending an eternity with these lunatics. One very good thing would come from them being immortal and therefore stronger—she’d have an easier job of keeping them alive.
Anabel’s back snapped straight. “The buzzing is back.”
As was the wasp. It was currently flying behind the blonde.
She rubbed at her arms. “God, I can’t stand the sound. It grates on my nerves. That’s it, no more testing my potions on myself. I’m never doing it again. Ever, ever, ev—” She screamed as the wasp appeared in front of her face. Flapping her hands, she started running around the table as if it was chasing her . . . when it absolutely wasn’t.
Sighing, Wynter killed the insect with a zap of magick. “It’s gone now.”
Anabel stilled. “Really?”
“Really,” Wynter assured her.
Anabel’s shoulders sagged in relief. “I thought the buzzing wasn’t real like last time.” Whatever she saw on Wynter’s face made her slam a glower on Xavier. “I hate you sometimes!”
And, of course, he bust a gut laughing.
Completely sated, Cain rolled onto his side to face his consort. The aftershocks of her orgasm had finally slipped away, and now she looked all flushed and boneless and sapped. “Told you I’d make you come again.” She’d been so certain she’d hit her limit after the countless orgasms he’d given her.
Her eyes narrowed. “You’re such a smug bastard.”
He smoothed his hand down her back to settle on her ass. “Who wouldn’t be smug if they owned you?”
She gave a prim sniff. “Well, when you put it like that . . .”
He chuckled, giving her ass a small squeeze. “Don’t go asleep yet,” he said when her eyes drifted shut. “I need to ask you something.”
She forced her eyes open. “What?”
He tucked her hair behind her ear. “Will you be angry with me if I grant your coven members immortality?”