Page 87 of Angel's Kiss
“That’s a nice way to talk to your father, son.” He coughs. He doesn't have much time left.
“Tell me where they are, you're dying. And remember, I’m not your son.” I push everything out of my mind and do what I’m best at—strategizing and reading people.
“Let me see your momma and talk to her, or you lose them all.” I flip the knife in my hand and pass it to Raul, then pull out my cell phone and dial, she knew.
“Michael, put her on.”
“Joshua, did you find our girls?”
“Not yet, Mum. He won't tell me until you talk to him. He's dying.”
“Put him on.” I put the phone on speaker.
“Ah, Patty girl, I love you. I'm sorry for hurting you. If you had given me a chance, I wouldn't have had to go to such extreme measures. I’m better now, I know what I did can never be forgiven by you, or Joshua.”
“Nate, please, they're innocents. She's the mother of our grandbaby and the light of our son's soul. Please tell him where they are. He deserves to be happy finally, please tell him. I’ve done what you’ve asked, don’t punish him anymore.” I hear the tears in her voice and wish she didn't have to go through this.
“Not yet, Patty, he needs to suffer like I did. He took you away from me.” I growl at his comment.
“No, he didn't, it was my father that did that. He just protected me from you, just like he did when he was a little boy. Please, Nate, for me, tell him. If you still love me, tell him. If something happens to them, it will kill him.”
“No, but I'll give him something I never had. His daughter is in a flat nearby. Find her, Ace,” he says as he looks me in the eyes. The nickname makes me cringe inside. I always hated it. I'm up, grabbing my knife, and running for the nearest building. I hit all the buttons and hope someone answers me, I yell at the intercom. No one opens, and I won't wait any longer. I switch my knife to my other hand, and pull my side arm. The beast from my past rears its head as I shoot the lock. The anger fuels me, nothing will stand between me and my girls.
Timothy, Ian, and Derek check the other buildings. Raul and Duncan stay with Nathan. Duncan has always been the best at interrogation and persuasion, he’ll get the information about our girls. I kick the outer door open and run to each flat, banging and yelling at the doors.
“My daughter was kidnapped and is somewhere around here! Give her to me before the police are involved!”
The comm crackles in my ear, followed by Ian’s voice. “Ma'am, that's my little niece, I need her.”
“I can only give her to the one called Ace.”
I barrel out of the building. “Where are you, Ian?”
“Second building over from your left, first flat. Ma’am, please let me have the wee lass. Her father is on his way.” I run for the building and slide into the flat, and see a woman holding Isabella.
“I’m Ace. She's my daughter. Do you have my wife and sister-in-law?” I holster the gun and knife before I grab for Bella. The woman attempts to pull her back, but I don’t give her a choice, I take my daughter from her arms.
“No, sir, I only have the wee babe.”
“Thank you,” I say as I snuggle my daughter to my chest. I spot her nappy bag and stroller inside the doorway. “Ian, those are Bella's.” He grabs them, and we turn to walk out.
Isabella starts to fuss and I hope Ana put a bottle in her bag just in case.
“Come on, we need to find Mum, Bella.”
I hand Isabella to Derek, and kneel down next to Nathan. I don’t want to let Isabella out of my arms, but I need to question Nathan and I don’t want her near him.
“Where is my girl, Father?” It grates on my nerves to call him that but I'll do anything to get my angel back.
“Now you see how it feels. I did give them an advantage though, I'm not a heartless bastard. Take care of my Izzy.” The light fades from his eyes, and he dies with those cryptic and final words.
“Bugger me. Raul, anything?”
“No, boss, I lost him for a couple hours then found him in this neighborhood. He was stripping Maya's car when I found him. He pulled his piece on me before I could say anything. I had to shoot him. I'm sorry, boss.”
“I'm not, thank you, but we need to get Isabella back to the compound and find her mum.”
“Son of a bitch!” Duncan roars from Maya's car.