Page 86 of Angel's Kiss
“She said he left her.”
“I'm so confused.”
“Me too, let's shop.” I get out and unbuckle Isabella from her car seat.
I grab the nappy bag as I'm still not allowed to lift more than Isabella. Maya gets the stroller and brings it around to me. I put the nappy bag underneath in the basket and take Isabella from Maya to strap her into the stroller. I'm just about finished and cooing to her when I realize Greg hasn't come around the car, and now Maya has gotten quiet. I feel someone step up behind me, a cold sensation runs down my back. I was hoping it was the guys, but the look on Maya's face confirms it isn't.
“Hello, ladies. My granddaughter is very beautiful, she looks like her momma,” a deep voice with a touch of an American Southern accent says, startling me. I look up to see the same man from the hospital and gasp. “You, sharp shooter,” he says to Maya. “You don't want me to hurt Joshua's precious cargo here. Don't pull it and don't let them know I didn't take it, leave it in your ankle holster. Drop your knives, I know you carry several.” I watch as Maya pulls a total of five knives. She has one in each boot, one at her back, a small one in her belt buckle, and finally a small one between her breasts. I'm looking at her in shock when she pulls a sixth from her pocket that he signaled her to pull, it looks like a lipstick container. I never knew she carried that many. “Walk in place for a second.” I watch as she marches in place and wonder what he is looking for. “Okay, you're good. Ana girl, I'll take Izzy and protect her. You walk to that Rover with sharpshooter here before your back up gets here. The driver will take you where you're going. Take care, ladies. I left you armed in hopes the fight is fair.”
“Are you crazy, Nathan, I won't leave my daughter with you. What did you do to Greg?” Just then the Rover he pointed out rolls down a window and a gun points at the back of Maya's head.
“Bugger me.”
“Such language, my son must be rubbing off on you. Again take care, ladies. Your friend will be fine, I just tasered him.” With weapons trained on us, we walk to the Rover.
I look back and watch as Nathan loads Isabella back in the car followed by the stroller, and leaves. Greg is laying on the ground near where the car was parked. I hope he's really okay. Oh, please let me see my baby again. Joshua will find me… I hope.
Chapter Thirty-One
The girls have been gone for several hours, and I can't reach them or their back up. I’m pacing the house, twirling my knife around and going stir crazy. My gut churns with unease, something isn't right. My mum can't calm me, and Duncan is even starting to worry. In the distance, I hear a car pulling up across the gravel as my phone rings. I slide the knife into its scabbard and try to ease my nerves as I answer the phone.
“Bossman, you better come to Dundee, I'll text the address. Hurry, and bring back up.”
“Raul, what's going on?” I hear the door open and loud voices are approaching my office. Duncan bursts in with Derek, Greg, and Ian fast on his heels.
“Jonathan has the girls, and I just had to shoot your father,” Raul says as he hangs up.
“No! Mother fucker! I will kill him this time!” I roar.
I'm pushing past Duncan and aiming my fists at Derek and Ian. I zone in on Greg first and punch him in the face. I’m about to turn to grab Derek when my watch slips from my wrist as Duncan pulls me back.
“I'm sorry, Bossman!” Derek and Ian both say at once.
“This was my fault, I stepped out of the vehicle, and he was on me with a Taser. I'm so sorry, Joshua, please forgive me,” Greg begs
“It wasn't their fault. They were separated, and then a signal jammer was put on them so they couldn't find the girls or call us,” Duncan says in their defense.
My mum walks in and sees everything, and looks me in the eye.
“Go bring our girls home and if I need to go, call Michael. I'll do whatever Nathan wants to get them back.”
“Over my dead body are you going to him, Patrice. I won't allow it,” Michael says with a deadly calm.
“Michael, darling, I must protect them. They’re innocent in this. Nathan just wants to talk to me.” I watch her walk to him, and he takes her in his arms.
“We need to go, stay by your phones. Let's roll boys, I'll be taking my aggression out on you further in the training room later.” I bend down to grab my watch as Timothy walks in with a small piece of equipment in his hand.
“Signal jammer. The tracker went dead about ten kilometers from here. Maya made sure our equipment was that good. I crushed the tracker but here is the jammer. Someone attached it to the under carriage of the Rover. The girls are in Maya's Porsche Cayenne. The tracker on it puts it in Dundee.”
“Load up, Timothy, Duncan's Rover has a full gear set up.” I grab my go bag as I walk out. I notice the other guys have grabbed theirs and we all load up into Duncan's and Ian's Rovers.
The drive feels like forever, although Duncan is driving like a maniac and Ian is following along behind with little difficulty. We left Michael and Greg with the gate guards to protect the compound and the others. I had no choice. When Raul says bring back up that means an army. We pull into a neighborhood, and I see Raul standing over a downed man. There are buildings full of flats all around us. I then see Maya's Porsche with all the doors open. Oh God, please let them be in a flat close by. I can’t lose them. My blood runs cold, and I notice Duncan taking deep breaths, trying to control his anger.
I'm out of the Rover and running to Raul before it comes to a full stop. Duncan is hot on my heels. I stop and kneel over the man on the ground. Nathan. He isn't my father now, he is the enemy. He stopped being my father when he attempted to deny my parentage. When he hurt my mum the last time. I don’t even realize my knife is in my hand until the tip presses into his neck.
“Where the fuck is my family, Nathan?”