Page 68 of Angel's Kiss
This woman is hiding something and doesn't want Joshua to know. She reaches for Isabella and rests her against her chest with Isabella's head resting on her shoulder. She is comfortable with her in her arms. No awkwardness in her movements.
“She's so tiny but still bigger than when I delivered her. Baby smell is the reason I chose this profession.” Her eyes get a distant look to them. She walks to Joshua and hands him Isabella. I see tears in her eyes. I walk over to her, hug her to me, and whisper in her ear for only her to hear. I don’t know why but I want to be there for this woman.
“If you ever need to talk, I'm here.” I pull away and smile at her.
“Thank you, Ana. Joshua, I need your help, but can't talk about it here, I'll be in touch. Ian's chosen not to talk to me and I will possibly have to leave now that you all know where I am.”
“Wait, why would you have to leave? We won't hurt you, Jen. We won't even pick sides, and want to spend time with you just like old times,” Joshua says.
“It's for the best. I never thought I would see you again. I'm thrilled for you and Ana. You finally look happy and relaxed holding her. I knew you would be an excellent father. You deserve this, Joshua. Don’t think about it, just live it. I'll be in touch. Ana, I'll see you in six weeks for your follow up. If you start to feel dizzy or have headaches, call my office immediately and go to the ER. You haven't had any more seizures, and your BP has been normal, but this is just a precaution. I know the neurologist wants you to continue your anti-seizure meds until your check up with him in eight weeks.” She turns and walks out.
“What was that all about?” I turn to Joshua, who is cuddling Isabella into his chest and rubbing her back.
“I don't know, but I'll kick Ian's bloody arse.”
“What does Ian have to do with this?”
“They were married, she divorced him while we were still deployed.”
“What? Why didn't you tell me this?”
“I forgot. You were in surgery when we all found out who she really is.”
“She divorced him. They must still care about each other if they're avoiding each other this way.”
“Ian's never stopped loving her, he was angry and still is. I thought he was going to get court-martialed for his behavior after she had him served with papers. He almost went AWOL, he tried to take off to find her. She'd already fled the country with her father, and he was going to go get her back. Of course, that didn’t work. He’s still destroyed over the loss.”
“Well, she's here now and talking about fleeing again. We can't let her, they need to talk this out.”
“Angel, you are not getting involved in their relationship. Ian's already threatened to knock Maya out, I don't think he'll come after you, but he gets irrational when it comes to Jen.”
“Joshua, I've been meaning to ask you but have been so focused on Isabella, how did you not recognize Dr. Parker sooner?” I'm absently sketching a picture of Dr. Parker and focused on her eyes again when he replies.
“Well, when I knew Jen, she had blond hair and blue eyes. Moreover, she was skinnier. I'm surprised Ian didn't recognize her first though.”
“I was just wondering.”
“Angel, you can ask me anything. As far as Jen and Ian, I'm just as confused as the rest of us. I was close to Jen, like a brother sister relationship. She has an older brother that she talked about, but he left when she was young. I liked her and felt bad for her, her father was very controlling. The fact Ian is refusing to come to the hospital to see you and Isabella tells me he's hurting bad. Timothy said he's had to keep a closer eye on Ian. Ian’s only been sober a few months, he quit drinking at the start of the New Year.” Just then a knock sounds on our door and in walks the topic of our discussion.
“Okay, honey, let me feed our daughter.” I reach for Isabella.
Rooming was a success, and we're now waiting for Duncan to bring the car to the entrance so we can go home. Maya is waiting with me while Joshua takes the bags downstairs. I have the nappy bag packed, and Maya is securing Isabella in the car seat. I'm not supposed to lift more than Isabella or the nappy bag, so Maya will carry Isabella in her car seat. I can't wait until I can take care of her by myself.
“Did you know that Ian and Dr. Parker were married?” I ask her. I know she knows but want to see what her thoughts are on this.
“Yes, he was a son of a bitch when we found out. I can't believe they were married, she seems so normal, not like the girls I've seen him chasing after.”
“Why do you think she changed her appearance?”
“I don't know, but Duncan told me not to get involved.”
“Joshua said the same thing to me. He said Ian almost got thrown out of the military over their breakup.”
“Well until we know more, let's just worry about the mess we are already in instead of getting into another.”
“Okay, let's get home and finish planning your wedding.”
“Ya, I don't think Duncan is going to let me put it off anymore,” she laughs.